Bureau for Industrial Cooperation ( BICO )
Bureau for Industrial Cooperation ( BICO )
Location : Dar Es Salaam Email : principalcoet@udsm.ac.tz

Bureau for Industrial Cooperation (BICO) is a unit of the College of Engineering and Technology (CoET), University of Dar es Salaam that coordinates the provision of Public Service to the Tanzania community in the form of Consultancy and Professional Services in Engineering and related fields as well as providing the accumulated body of knowledge to the community through short courses (Professional Development Program). BICO was established in 1990 and is registered by the Engineers Registration Board (ERB) as a consulting firm since 1999. BICO draws its expertise from a pool of highly trained staff available at CoET, where the majority are registered by ERB as Professional and Consulting Engineers. Moreover, BICO has access to the Laboratories available at CoET which are also registered by ERB as Materials Testing Laboratory.


The vision of BICO is to become, and be seen by stakeholders, as areputable, competent and reliable provider ofprofessional consultancy services in engineeringand technology in Tanzania.


To offer professional consultancy as well as related services to industries and the public.
To transmit the accumulated body of knowledge to the community through delivery of continuing professional development (PDP) courses


The main objective of the Bureau is to enhance thecapability of the College of Engineering and Technology (CoET) in order to contributeeffectively to the industrial and socio-economicdevelopment of Tanzania

Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: principalcoet@udsm.ac.tz
Contact Phone: +255 22 2410753
Contact Fax: +255 22 2410572
Since : 01-01-1970
Company Size: