Tanzania Mission to the Poor and Disabled.
Tanzania mission to the Poor and Disabled (PADI) formally known as Ruvuma Mission to the Poor and Disabled (PADI) was established on 17th June 1999 and registered as an NGO on 22nd November 1999 with registration certificate No. So: 10140. On the 3rd September 2008 PADI Complied under the NGO Act (2002) and received registration No. 0795.
PADI mainly deals with supporting older people, MVCs, people with disability, water wells construction, provision of entrepreneurship skills, loans to small businesses and farmers, HIV/AIDS, malaria education, legal aid services, revolving animal schemes and advocating for policy change on age and ageing.
PADI is operating nationally and its head office is located in Songea Municipal depot near Angaza office in Ruvuma with FOUR sub- offices one at Njombe Town, second in Namtumbo District, third is at Unangwa PADI Center and the fourth is in Mbinga District.
PADI holds itself to the highest levels of integrity and has a very strong commitment to the following values:
PADI is committed to the improvement of the social welfare of marginalized groups through various forms of social-economic development, community awareness building, advocacy and networking
We envision a community where marginalized groups are sustainably supported and empowered.
To improve the social welfare of marginalized groups in Tanzania through social economic development, community awareness building, advocacy and networking.
Honesty, Integrity, Transparency, Accountability, Teamwork, Value for money, Creativity, Networking and Mutual respect.