At Internews, we believe everyone deserves trustworthy news and information to make informed decisions about their lives and hold power to account. We train journalists and digital rights activists, tackle disinformation, and offer business expertise to help media outlets become financially sustainable. We do all of this in partnership with local communities – who are the people best placed to know what works.
We support independent media in 100 countries, from radio stations in refugee camps, to hyper-local news outlets, to individual activists and reporters. We’ve helped our partners reach millions of people with quality, local information that saves lives, improves livelihoods, and holds institutions accountable.
Internews is an international nonprofit with 30 offices around the world, including headquarters in California, Washington DC, London and Paris, and regional hubs in Bangkok, Kyiv, and Nairobi. Internews is registered as a 501(c)3 nonprofit in California, EIN 94-3027961, in England and Wales as a Charity no. 1148404 and Company no. 7891107 and in France as Non-Profit Association SIRET no. 425 132 347 000 13.
Our Core Values
Adopted in 2015, our core values were developed as a reflection of who we are, how we work together, and what we aspire to as a community:
- Listen and learn continuously
We are curious and responsive, driven by a spirit of creativity and innovation. - Build community
We value open communication and dialogue. We treat each other kindly, collaborate, and support each other. - Act with integrity and persistence
We build trust, hold ourselves to a high standard, and don’t give up. - Commit to making a difference
We are passionate about improving lives and creating positive change in the world. - Bring optimism and excitement
We approach our work with enthusiasm and love what we do.
Our Strategy
The root of our strategy is to improve the health of information environments. Healthy information environments are defined by the presence of good, accurate, evidence-based information — information that everyone can access safely, that consumers know how to critically assess, and that is valued by communities and sustained by business models that work. In healthy information environments, governments and businesses are accountable for keeping it that way.