Call For Expression Of Interest - Providing Consultancy In Internal Audit tender job at COUNSENUTH
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Learn more about The Centre for Counseling, Nutrition and Health Care (COUNSENUTH)
The Centre for Counseling, Nutrition and Health Care (COUNSENUTH) jobs in Tanzania

The Centre for Counselling, Nutrition and Health Care (COUNSENUTH), is a Non-Profit, indigenous Non – Governmental Organization established in 1998 with registration number SO. NO 9495 under the Ministry of Home Affairs in July 2023. Recently, the Centre was issued a new certificate with registration number 00NGO/R1/00199 under the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Group. COUNSENUTH’s headquarter is located at Plot No. 8 Sam Nujoma Road, Mikocheni B. Official address is P.0. Box 8218 Dares Salaam.

In the year ending 31st December 2023, the Centre implemented seven projects with a total budget of approximately 2.2 billion. These were: Kijana Jiongeze 2, Lishe Kijinsia-Chemba, HSS Kigoma, STRONG, Was;ichana Leadership Program, VI Agroforestry and Afya Yangu.

Objectives and Scope of Internal Audit Services
The key objective of the exercise is to provide reliable, valued and timely assessment to the Management and assurance on the effectiveness and efficiency of the system of internal controls, risk management and governance process. The Internal Auditor will alsc give assurance on the effectiveness of the financial reporting systems, level of compliance with donor’s requirements and relevant laws and regulations, Integrity and reliability of financial information, efficiency and effectiveness of operations and utilization of financial resources, security, and safety of assets. This will help the Centre in mitigating current key risks and in so doing assist in achieving COUNSENUTH’s short term and long term objectives.

The audit will be conducted for operations effected from January 1st 2023 to December 31st 2023. Thereafter, the audit will be conducted twice a year and reports will be produced. The Contractor selected will be expected to conduct Internal Audit for a period of three years, however, the extension to three years is subject to availability of funds and is based on the Internal Auditor’s Performance in each year.

The work is expected not to take more than three weeks including report submission.

Expected Output
The Selected Internal Auditor will preparea compiled draft report and v/ill discuss key findings with COUNSENUTH management team prior to compilation of the final report.

The final internal audit report should focus on the audit findings with details on weaknesses together with recommendations on the capacity gaps.

Call for Application.
Interested experts (individuals or Firms) are requested to submit their expression of interest indicating experience of not less than 4 years in providing outsourced internal audit service, previous clients together with contact details for reference purposes, experience in auditing donor funded projects, professional qualifications of not less than CPA, including registration with NBAA, and any other relevant registration, valid licences, TIN Number, etc. The expert also needs to state his/her methodology on how he/she is going to perform the work, the cost for performing the work and time frame, which must consider the level of budget of this organisation and its local status.

Application closing date: 30Ih January 2024
Please send your expression of interest to the address below:
Executive Director COUNSENUTH
08 Sam Nujoma Road, Mikocheni B,
P.O. Box 8218, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania E-Mail:
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Tuesday, January 30 2024
Duty Station: Dar es Salaam
Posted: 17-01-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 17-01-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-01-2077
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