Consultancy Service for Data Collection job at Hand in Hand Eastern Africa
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Vacancy title:
Consultancy Service for Data Collection

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Computer & IT ]

Jobs at:

Hand in Hand Eastern Africa

Deadline of this Job:
31 December 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Tanzania , Moshi , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, December 13, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

The consultancy firm contracted in Tanzania will be responsible only for collecting data from Tanzania side, which includes: hiring and training enumerators, conducting data collection, and data quality checks. The two consultancy firms must communicate and coordinate closely, to ensure the same interpretation of the data collection tools, methodology, data collection guides, and enumerators’ training manuals to ensure the consistency of data collected in both countries.

Roles and Responsibilities
• The consultancy firm in Tanzania will be required to perform a minimum of the following roles and responsibilities:
• Proven coordination with the data collection firm in Kenya and understanding of the study design, methods, data collection tools, and approaches - Consultant
• Trained field supervisors, enumerators and/or moderators and note takers - Consultant**
• Pilot study conducted, report submitted and comments incorporated and implemented - Consultant**
• Data collection conducted – both quantitative and qualitative, and detailed field data collection report submitted - Consultant**
• Detailed documentation of data quality control procedures submitted alongside - Consultant**
• Raw data and finalized dataset, FGDs, and KIIs shared to the Consultant firm in Kenya and to Hand in Hand Tanzania - Consultant**
• Participated in inception meeting and presentation of finding - Consultants and HiH EA(TZ)**
• Developed work plan implemented as per agreed timeframes - Consultant **
• Baseline Evaluation Methodology
• Research design
• The baseline evaluation will use both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data will be collected from the project location in Moshi DC, Hai, Mwanga, Siha, and Rombo districts in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. The selected consultancy firm will receive the study methodology, including the sampling frame**
• Data protection
• The baseline evaluation firm is required to adhere to the Hand in Hand Eastern Africa data protection and privacy policy throughout all project baseline evaluation activities, minimizing the collection of any non-essential personally identifiable information and ensuring secure storage and transfer of data. In addition, the consultancy firm is expected to explore any personal and professional influence or potential bias among those collecting and/or analyzing data and mitigating them ethically.
• Ethical Considerations
• It is expected that the evaluation will be conducted under the guidance of ethical considerations, which includes an adherence to the principles of openness of information given; sensitivity about gender, inclusion and cultural contextual contexts; reliability and independence of findings and conclusions as well as confidentiality of information and data protection. Informed consent must be provided by all respondents. Expected Deliverables

Expertise and Experience
• A degree in Statistics or Rural Development, or related degree **
• Strong experience in Tanzania political economy, Agriculture, value chain development and market system approach **
• Excellent written and spoken English and Kiswahili languages
• Excellent skills in data quality checks, data cleaning and analysis
• Strong skills in research designs, sampling strategy, data collection methods and work plan (study schedule), and data quality control
• Experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative studies in Northern Tanzania
• Ability to use digital data collection tool and able to provide tablets
• Should be a VRN registered firm and able to issue EFD receipts.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
Interested and qualified consultancy firms/ institutions or organizations should submit a technical and financial proposal that presents a detailed understanding of the TOR via email:  by 31st December, 2021.

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 December 2021
Duty Station: Moshi
Posted: 13-12-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 13-12-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 13-12-2065
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