Invitation To Tender For Conducting An Environmental And Social Impact Assessment (Eia) Study Tender Job At Action Against Hunger
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  Project and Evaluation Summary Table


Project Name

Gender Equitable Nutrition in Tanzania and Uganda (GENTU) Project

Project Number



Health and Nutrition, Food Security and Livelihood and WASH

Implementing Partners (if applicable)

Action Against Hunger and SEMA

Location (region/districts)

Dodoma region, Bahi DC and Singida region, Itigi DC

Project Duration

5 years

Project Language



Global Affairs Canada



Consultancy / Evaluation Type

Short term

Proposed Consultancy / Evaluation Dates

From May 2023 – June 2023


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Action Against Hunger jobs in Tanzania


Action Against Hunger is the world’s hunger specialist and a nonprofit leader in a global movement that aims to end life-threatening hunger for good. For over 40 years, the humanitarian organization has innovated better ways to treat and prevent hunger. It serves more than 21 million people annually across nearly 50 countries - with 6 countries within the Horn and Eastern Africa Region including Tanzania.  In Tanzania, the organization was established in 2015, and has been intervening the areas of nutrition and health in Dodoma and Singida region supporting implementation of the National Multi-sectoral Nutrition Action Plan in close association with the Ministry of Health, PO-RALG and other sector ministries as well as local government authorities.


GENTU is a 5-years project funded by Global Affairs Canada that focuses on improving nutrition status of women, adolescent girls and children in Tanzania and Uganda through implementation of selected high impact specific and sensitive nutrition interventions. In Tanzania, the project is implemented in Dodoma region (Bahi DC) and Singida region (Itigi DC). Considering how closely nutrition outcomes related to WASH and agriculture; the GENTU project has set range of activities that will focus to improve WASH condition in target districts by renovating or refurbishing existing WASH structures. The associated structures will include toilets, water storage tank stands, handwashing facilities and sanitary pads burning chambers in selected schools as well as promotion for adaptation of climate smart agriculture practices in target communities.

Action Against Hunger, understands that the two target districts are semi-arid, vulnerable to both drought and flooding, that have been frequently experienced in recent years. Climate change has plausibly induced weather patterns that significantly effects smallholder farmers’ produces who make up 80% of the population causing loss of crops and livelihoods as well as a disruption of socio-economic activities. Action Against Hunger understands that agriculture activities may escalate environmental effects if not well managed and pose negative impact to smallholder farmers.  


The proposed consultancy involves carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment with a view to establishing the impact on the environment and social effects of the proposed activities outlined above in section 1.2 and taking into consideration gender.

Therefore, this consultancy is intended to bring on board a qualified, national consultant that can lead and carry out the EIA that will generate the required data and evidence with a quality report on the operation site that can be used by not only by Action Against Hunger but other partners.

2.2.           OBJECTIVE OF THE EISA


The objectives of Environmental Impact Assessment are to:

  • Take into account environmental, social, economic, cultural and legal considerations in regards to the proposed works as described in Section 1.2
  • Identify the anticipated environmental impacts of the proposed works of the project and the scale of the impacts
  • Analyse and evaluate the anticipated quantitative and qualitative impacts of the proposed works of the project on the physical, biological, social cultural and social economic environment using a gender approach
  • Propose mitigation measures to be taken during and after the implementation of the proposed works of the project
  • Develop an Environmental Management Plan with mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the compliance and environmental performance which shall include the cost of mitigation measures and the time frame of implementing the measures.
  • Identify and assess compliance of project activities with relevant statutory and internal requirements
  • Establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating compliance and time frame for implementing effects mitigation measures

2.3.           SCOPE OF EIA STUDY

The consultant shall perform all works necessary as called for in the Terms of Reference.

The assignment consists of: -

  • Define the location of the project including the physical area that may be affected by the proposed project and identify and predict the physical, ecological, economic and social-cultural impacts of the proposed project
  • Collect, collate and present baseline information on the environmental characteristics of the study area
  • Evaluate the activities that shall be undertaken during the project phases
  • Establish the materials to be used, products and by-products, including waste to be generated by the project and the methods of disposal
  • Evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the project and the mitigation measures to be undertaken during and after the implementation of the project
  • Assess action plan for the prevention and management of possible accidents during the project implementation cycle
  • Provide conclusion and recommendations as well as highlights of any environmental risks and hidden how will be managed.
  • Provide any other information that the proponent may be requested to provide by NEMC or other government agencies that working within NEMC framework to EMA Cap 191 of 2004.
  • The consultant is expected to cooperate fully with the concerned agencies of the Government of Tanzania while providing necessary support services related to and necessary for the completion of the assignment.


The Consultant shall conduct analysis which shall detail the positive and negative effects of the development of the project on the environment, and prepare an EIA report recommending appropriate solutions to minimize any undesirable effects resulting from the improvements of the water supply system of the area.

The analyses shall include, but not limited to the following discussed in the Table below;



Detailed Desk Review

The consultant is to review all existing documentation, and previous EIA / ESIA reports developed for the area. They shall further undertake a detailed study of the proposed works and then, the consultant shall then concisely describe the project location including its geographical, ecological and the general layout of associated infrastructure including maps where necessary.

Description of the Environment

The Consultant is required to collect, collate and present secondary information on the environmental characteristics of the proposed project site. This description should involve but not limited to:

·         Physical environment (topography, land cover, geology, climate and meteorology, structures.)

·         Biological environment (i.e. flora and fauna types and diversity, sensitive habitats etc.)

·         Social and cultural environment, including present and projected. Where appropriate i.e. population, land use, planned development activities, community social structure, employment and labour market, sources and distribution of income, cultural/religious sites and properties, vulnerable groups and indigenous populations etc.). The impacts on various groups (men, women, youth, etc.) should be described

·         Economic activities i.e., agriculture, livestock, etc.

Note: The consultant is expected to undertake relevant measurements and carry out analysis to support the above. The assessment will further be used to access the potential impacts on health, safety, environment and the community.

Legislative and Regulatory Framework

The Consultant shall identify and describe the pertinent regulations and standards - both local and international, governing the environmental quality, health and safety, protection of sensitive areas, land use control at the national and local levels and ecological and socio-economic issues.

Determination of Impacts of project facilities and activities

From the detailed field study, the Consultant shall analyze and describe all significant changes brought about by each facility / activity. These would encompass environmental, ecological and social impacts, both positive and negative, as result of each facility / activity intervention that are likely to bring about changes in the baseline environmental and social conditions.

The Consultant will make a prioritization of all concerns identified and differentiate between short, medium, long-term and cumulative impacts during construction, operation and decommissioning.

The Consultant shall also identify both temporary and permanent impacts. A detailed outline and discussion of specific conditions that might affect the environment which are unique to the type of facility and/or operation being audited should be provided.

Occupational Health and Safety Concerns


The Consultant shall analyze and describe all occupational health and safety concerns from a gender perspective brought about by activities during all the phases of the project. The Consultant shall make recommendations on corrective and remedial measures to be implemented under the Environmental Management Plan.

Identification and Development of Environmental and Social Management Plans


The Consultant shall develop a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan. The plan should recommend a set of mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to eliminate, minimize or reduce to acceptable levels of adverse environmental impacts and/or maximize socio-economic benefits.

The Consultant should provide cost outlays for the proposed mitigation measures as well as their institutional and financial support, time frame and responsibility. This shall be provided for all phases of the project.

Development of Monitoring Plan

The Consultant is required to give specific descriptions and technical details of monitoring measures including the parameters to be measured, methods to be used, sampling locations, frequency of measurements, and definition of thresholds that will signal the need for corrective actions as well as deliver monitoring and reporting procedures.

The Consultant should provide a time frame and implementation mechanism, staffing requirements and cost outlays


2.5.           USE / USERS OF THE ANALYSIS

This assessment will be done as part of the Action Against Hunger implementation in the two district councils. Primarily, the evidence that will be generated from this study will be used by the organization to inform the implementation of the GENTU project. However, the results will be widely applied during the implementation of WASH and Agriculture activities and  integration in other current and future projects in the area. Last but not least, the analysis result can be a resource for other partners striving to implement similar integrated projects in the areas.

3.1.           KEY DELIVERABLES

During this assignment, Action against Hunger expects:

  • The consultant shall present a protocol with research questions, proposed methodology, an analytical framework, and relevant tools for review and approval from the Action Against Hunger team prior to data collection at the inception phase.
  • Upon securing ethical clearance or approval letter from respective authority, the consultant shall undertake data collection in accordance with the methodologies and tools approved by the Action Against Hunger team
  • Clear Environmental and Social Impact Assessment report - on the analysis of the findings and field visit reports
  • Electronic copies of photos and videos (if any)
  • Debriefing/Presentation for the team
  • Final Environmental and Social Impact Assessment report, which incorporated feedback and comments from the Action Against Hunger team along with;
    • Detailed Environmental Action Plan (EAP)
    • Detailed Environment Management Plan
  • Clear action points and recommendations for further actions based on the findings and with wider involvement of the GAC



The maximum duration of the EISA assignment is two calendar months starting in mid-May 2023. This overall duration includes working days, weekends, periods foreseen for comments, for review of draft versions, debriefing sessions, dissemination activities, and distribution of outputs.




Action Against Hunger will;

  • Provide orientation to the consultant on the overall view of the operation areas and the project
  • Make ready relevant documents related to the organization and the project to the consultant to review
  • Arrange briefing and debriefing session with the consultant
  • Have the right to fully or partially cancel the consultancy offer in short written notice if the duration of work lasts longer than the agreed period and/or if the consultant fails to keep the quality of work on the expected standards



All data, visual materials, and reports generated through this contract and the EIA report shall remain the property of Action Against Hunger. The consultant/s and other parties require written consent from Action Against Hunger if the data and reports are used for a different purpose, other than the objectives stated above.


The offers will be assessed as detailed in Section 6.2.



Payment to the consultant will be in three instalments. All invoices should be submitted via paper at the Action Against Hunger Tanzania Office. On the envelope indicate invoice for the GENTU Project EISA.

  • 30% upon approving the inception report.
  • 30% upon submission and acceptance of the 1st EISA zero draft report, and
  • 40% upon submission and approval of the final report by EISA Coordination Committee.

6.2 Technical evaluation criteria

The Contracting Authority selects the offer with the best value for money using an 80/20 weighting between technical quality and price. Technical quality is evaluated on the basis of the following grid:




Total score for the approach to work


§  Understanding of ToR and the aim of the services to be provided


§  Overall methodological approach, quality control approach, appropriate mix of tools and estimate of difficulties and challenges


§  Qualification of tenderer and technical backstopping


§  Organisation of tasks including timetable


Proposed budget


Overall total score



All reports shall be submitted in the official language of the contract, English.


All reports will be produced using Lato font, size 11, line spacing of 1.15.  They will be submitted both in Word and PDF formats. Apart from their electronic submission, the approved version of the Final Report will be also provided in 5 paper copies double-sided at no extra cost.



Questions and requests for clarification are to be submitted (if need will be) by the 9th May 2023 at 5:00 pm local time in Dodoma, Tanzania via email at [In the subject line indicate – GENTU Project EISA Clarification/Request]. The text of the questions received (once anonymized) and the responses will be sent to all tenderers to ensure equal treatment.



Interested individuals or consultancy firms should have proven skills and experience as follows;

  • Lead Consultants that have post-graduate degrees in Environmental Management Studies or related fields.
  • A minimum of 5 years practical experience in the field of conducting EISA in Tanzania
  • Should be able to submit, attached to their technical proposal (not more than 15 pages), copies of their CV and other relevant documents/ evidence that shows their experience on similar consultancy services;
  • The consulting firm/consultant must present/attach prove of his/her previous work (a sample report of a previously conducted EISA in the last 3 years) with
  • The consultant should send a technical and financial proposal detailing his/or her understanding of the TOR and methodology that will be used to undertake the task.
  • The technical proposal should be prepared paying more emphasis on the methodologies and the technical competency of the consulting firm to undertake the given tasks. The financial proposal should be prepared including the amount of the budget required to conduct the EISA in the target districts, including all costs related to the field work and data collection. Both proposals (technical and financial proposals) should be submitted on-line not later than 10 working days since the commencement of this announcement to the address below:


  • Preferably, a qualified Tanzania national/Firm are high priority and are encouraged to
  • Submit your CV and a strong justification for your application including at least 1 sample of a similar work previous undertaken. Also, include the financial proposal for undertaking the
  • Must submit a copy of updated registration certificate and practising license as an EIA/ EISA expert
  • One supporting document outlining core competencies in line with the assignment, the proposed methodology of work including a detailed work plan, and financial expectations.
  • A soft copies of technical and financial proposal based on the Terms of Reference outlined above must be submitted by May 16, 2023 and addressed to;


Country Director,

Action Against Hunger, Tanzania

P.O Box 17031, Dodoma

Applications should be submitted by email to: Please quote Environmental and Social Impact Assessment on the subject line of your email.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 25 May 2023
Duty Station: Dar es Salaam
Posted: 04-05-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 04-05-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-05-2066
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