Marketing and Engagement officer (MEO) job at EAMCEF
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Vacancy title:
Marketing and Engagement officer (MEO)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources , Category: Advertising & Marketing ]

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Deadline of this Job:
15 October 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Tanzania , Morogoro , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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EAMCEF jobs in Tanzania


The Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF) is a Trust Fund that was established as a mechanism to provide sustainable financing for effective conservation of biological resources in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. The Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund was initially conceived as a joint initiative of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, the Board of Trustees, the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The Fund aims at providing long- term and reliable funding support to conservation activities related to the promotion of biological diversity, improvement of ecological functions and sustainable use of natural resources in priority areas of the Eastern Arc Mountains. The Eastern Arc Mountains ecosystem forms a major portion of the Eastern Afromontane Region which is recognized globally as one of the 34 biodiversity hotspots characterized by high concentrations of endemic species now under serious threat. Major mountain blocks of the Eastern Arc spread over fifteen districts in five regions of Tanzania namely, Tanga (East and West Usambara and Nguu Mountains), Kilimanjaro (South and North Pare Mountains), Morogoro (Udzungwa, Ukaguru, Nguru, Rubeho, Malundwe, Mahenge and Uluguru Mountains), Iringa (Udzungwa Mountains) and Dodoma (Rubeho Mountains). Governed by a Board of Trustees, the Fund was officially registered in Tanzania in June 2001 under the Trustees’ Incorporation Act (Cap. 318 R.E 2002) and it operates as a not-for-profit Conservation Finance
Trust organization with its day-to-day operations being run by the Endowment Fund Secretariat. The Fund’s Executive Director is the Head of the Secretariat with the main administrative offices located in Morogoro Municipality.
The Eastern Arc Mountains forests are under considerable pressure due to various human activities as a result of increased population. Threats leading to biodiversity loss include expansion of human settlements, shifting cultivation, forest fires, extraction of wood for commercial and domestic uses, gold mining, dry season grazing, extraction of non-wood forest products including honey, fruits, medicines, natural ropes, resins, mushrooms and game hunting. Effective control of the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation now ongoing in the Eastern Arc Mountains can only be assured through the EAMCEF’s unequivocal commitment to taking exceptional care of the Eastern Arc Mountains ecosystem and all stakeholders impacting positively/negatively on its biological resources.
Whereas requirements for financial resources necessary for effective conservation of the Eastern Arc Mountains are quite enormous, the financial position of EAMCEF is currently very modest. Thus, EAMCEF needs to mobilize more resources from all possible sources so as to increase its capital base as well as enhance its capacity to finance its operations and programme activities. In order for the resource mobilization efforts to be plausibly effective, aggressive fundraising, promotion and marketing, engagement and visibility activities will need to concurrently be undertaken. Mobilization of sufficient resources and effective conservation efforts to secure and save the unique natural heritage can only be possible if the now vacant positions will be filled by suitably qualified and competent professional staff as detailed below.

The following requirements will apply to all the posts now available in the Endowment Fund Secretariat

General Conditions

• Proven ability in writing and speaking both English and Kiswahili Languages.
• The EAMCEF Head Office in Morogoro Municipality will be the duty station for each of the positions.
• All the positions are equally available for both female and male Tanzanian applicants; female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
• Excellent knowledge and proven ability in working with computers and a variety of computer programmes especially Microsoft Office applications (e.g. MS-Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, E-Mails, Internet, etc.) and establishment and management of databases.
• Ability to work under pressure and for extended hours including working on week – ends and holidays as it may be required from time to time.
• Mature, energetic, hardworking, versatile and self-motivated.
• Obedient, honest, trustful, fast learner, smart and socially active.
• Demonstrated ability to work independently or under minimum supervision, effectively supervise and lead others.
• Working experience in relevant fields of more than three years with reputable projects/programmes/ organizations.
• Each appointed Candidate will report and be answerable to the Executive Director.
• Only one (1) position is available for each of the vacant posts.

Terms and Conditions of Employment

A Contract of two years will be issued to each of the successful applicants upon satisfactory performance during the probationary period of the first three months. Depending on the ability to perform the assigned duties, the Contract may be renewed at the end of the second year. An attractive remuneration package will be offered to the selected candidate commensurate with professional qualifications and working experience.

Duties and Responsibilities

• The successful Marketing and Engagement Officer (MEO) cum Resource Mobilization Officer (RMO) will be incharge of and play a leading role in all resource mobilization, fundraising, marketing, promotion, engagement and visibility activities of EAMCEF. Her/His principal duties and responsibilities will include and not be limited to the following:

• Effectively playing the role of a Marketing and Engagement Officer & Resource Mobilization Officer.
• Developing and implementing effective promotion, engagement, public relations and marketing strategies for awareness creation and attracting more support from all possible sources.
• Assisting to increase the visibility of the EAMCEF accomplishments and the EAMCEF in general through production and communication activities fit for social media (Website, Twitter, You-Tube, Facebook, Instagram, etc) and other powerful forums and effective platforms.
• On an ongoing basis, review and provide professional advise for improvement of the EAMCEF website so developed and managed as a tool for marketing and resource mobilization purposes.
• Actively assist in collection, processing, storage and dissemination of useful information about the EAMCEF and its endevours as well as the Eastern Arc Mountains in general.
• Effectively assisting, supporting, backstopping and working closely with the Programme Officer (Planning, Coordination and Information Management), Field Projects Officers and the Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant in planning and undertaking all activities and functions related to monitoring, evaluation, accountability, learning and reporting as appropriate.
• Help to build and maintain the necessary confidence and trust by donors and inculcate into them a culture of giving more to EAMCEF again and again.
• Effectively collaborating and working closely with the Programme Officer (Planning, Coordination and Information Management) and the Planning and Communication Assistant in planning and executing all activities and functions related to planning, communication, visibility and engagement aspects as appropriate.
• Assist, provide back-up support and appropriately gap-fill in the functions of the Programme Officer (Planning, Coordination and Information Management) as it may be required from time to time.
• Assist in timely planning, budgeting and progress reporting for all programme activities.
• Effectively developing, updating and operationalizing the Strategic Plan, Resource Mobilization Strategy, Business Plan, Engagement Plan and Promotion and Marketing Strategy documents of the EAMCEF.
• Assisting in improving the fundraising, resource mobilization and organizational capacity of EAMCEF and effectively assisting in the creation of conditions necessary for philanthropy.
• Participating in marketing, fundraising and resource mobilization activities for the EAMCEF targetting potential supporters and other EAMs stakeholders.
• Make effective research on existing and potential future donors (donor mapping), design and facilitate the implementation of appropriate approach mechanisms.
• Set-up and effectively operationalize plausible fundraising strategies to raise the required funds from traditional and new and untapped sources.
• Effectively writing fundraising proposals that are plausible and appealing to a variety of donors and pursuing the strategy as one of the principal means of soliciting funds from potential sources.
• Raise and attract funding for EAMCEF in actual amounts commensurate to EAMCEF targets of increasing its endowment and meeting its operational and programmatic obligations.
• Assist and advise the Executive Director in matters pertaining to management, technical and professional aspects and issues as appropriate.
• Doing any other relevant activity or assignment as it may be directed by the Executive Director from time to time.

Personal Attributes

• Possession of both Undergraduate and Postgraduate qualifications from recognized and reputable higher learning institutions in the fields of marketing, economic development and planning, business administration, economics, natural resource management or other relevant fields.
• Formal training in fundraising and resource mobilization, promotion and marketing, engagement and visibility aspects is essential.
• Good interpersonal skills, practical experience and strong background in resource mobilization, fundraising, advocacy, lobbying, networking, marketing, promotion, engagement and visibility endevours and aspects.
• Strong background in donor research/mapping and successful track record in attracting and raising funds is necessary.
• Excellent expertise and demonstrable capability in searching for opportunities and developing fundable project proposals is a pre-requisite.
• Familiarity with the Eastern Arc Mountains and background in environmental conservation and natural resource management, strategic and business planning is desirable.
• Demonstrated belief and experience in exploring new opportunities, establishing and maintaining partnerships and keeping track on unfolding social, economic and political events.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure

Well qualified and interested professionals should lodge their well written applications to the undersigned not later than 15th October, 2022. Application letters with detailed CVs, copies of relevant certificates, testimonials and names of three easily contactable referees should be timely made. Only shortlisted applicants will be called for one or more interviews within two months from the application deadline.

Applications should be addressed to:
The Executive Director,
Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF),
Plot No. 348, Forest Hill Area,
Kingalu Road,
P.O. Box 6053,
Telephone: +255 (0) 23 2934274
Cellphone: +255 (0) 755 330 558

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Job Info
Job Category: Marketing jobs in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 15 October 2022
Duty Station: Morogoro
Posted: 28-09-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 28-09-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 28-09-2066
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