Study of Vi Agroforestry Gender Equality Strategy, Fair Resource Allocation by Sex (FRAS+) job at Vi Agroforestry
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Vacancy title:
Study of Vi Agroforestry Gender Equality Strategy, Fair Resource Allocation by Sex (FRAS+)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Vi Agroforestry

Deadline of this Job:
11 January 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Tanzania , Dar es Salaam , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, December 28, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

The study shall be conducted through a consultative process and with input from key stakeholders, as well as a review of relevant documents and studies. The hired firm shall collect all available background information and data as may be applicable. This includes, but is not limited to documents, studies and discussion papers on the conceptof addressing gender equality in projects through fair resource allocation. The firm of consultants shall conduct direct interviews with members of partner organisation (those participating in the pilot phase and those that are not)) and consultations with partners (FRAS+ pilot partners and sample those who are not) and other key stakeholders working in the areas of gender and women empowerment in any or all the four countries (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda).

Methodology of the study
• We request a detailed methodology with a clear elaboration on the method to be used in the application submitted to conduct this study. Please note that Vi Agroforestry staff in the countries can assist with data collection.
• The interviewees shall include our country managers, gender focal staff (regional, country office and partners), Finance staff (regional, country and partners), representatives from partners organisations (those in the pilot phase and those not implementing FRAS+), project beneficiaries and M & E staff (regional and in countries).
• An inception report will be prepared by the consultant based on and in line with this term of reference and it will be reviewed and agreed upon by Vi Agroforestry.
• The inception report must include a work plan for the study detailing methodological aspects and timeframe for conducting the interviews. It’s the responsibility of the consultant to book meetings for the interview through direct communication with the interviewees. A list will be provided by Vi Agroforestry.
• Before writing the final report, the consultant will organize a workshop for the feedback and validation of the conclusions and recommendations with the participants from the interviewees. This feedback will serve to validate the information, the analysis and the feasibility/utility of the recommendations made.
• Key Deliverables
• The specific deliverables of the assignment include but not limited to the following:
• A detailed Work plan, in which proposed methodologies and study tools are incorporated, which have to be validated by Vi Agroforestry.
• Inception report to be submitted within 5 days of signing contract detailing the consultant’s approach to the study, providing a detailed work-plan and detailed methodology and how the assignment will undertake.
• Draft report showing the key findings on the study.
• Report from consultations; highlighting key discussions with KII and FGDs and recommendations.
• Final report of the study should include an executive summary of a maximum of one page. The main report must include a chapter of conclusions and another of recommendations

Required Knowledge and Skills
• A Master’s or PhD degree in gender studies, social science or another field relevant for the consultancy.
• Experience from on research on gender and development.
• Extensive experience in research and writing on gender with an emphasis on climate change, natural resource management and agriculture or agroforestry.
• Priority will be given to those applicants with demonstrated evidence of past work on the topic/ issues.
• Experience in transdisciplinary work on gender, human rights, economy, climate change and poverty issues.
• Field experience is an asset.
• Fluency in English and Kiswahili is required.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 12

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
To apply follow this email 

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Job Info
Job Category: Environment, Forestry and Agriculture jobs in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 11 January 2022
Duty Station: Dar es Salaam
Posted: 28-12-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 28-12-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 28-12-2065
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