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[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Education, and Training , Category: ]

Jobs at:

Aga Khan

Deadline of this Job:
Wednesday, April 26 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Tanzania , Dar es Salaam, East Africa

Date Posted:Wednesday, April 26 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Aga Khan jobs in Tanzania


1. About Aga Khan Foundation.

continuum of care and other communicable diseases. This should
The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private, non-denominational,
include but not limited to the following:
international development agency promoting creative and effective
Planning all aspects of the program including scheduling
solutions to selected problems that impede social and economic
and airing pre-recorded spots.
development in parts of Africa and Asia. In Tanzania, AKF is managing
Confirm the show complies with all broadcasting
a robust and expanding portfolio of multi-sectorial initiatives that
includes programmes in inclusive economic development, health
.Ensure everything runs on schedule before and during the
nutrition, early childhood development, education and civil society
show is on-air.
.Share the recording of the aired show to TCCP on weekly
AKF is looking for airing of radio spots in a radio station witl
Respond back to an audience feedback and keep informed
Mwanza Region coverage for its ongoing health project- The
AKF the same on each show by writing.
Comprehensive Cancer Care Project (TCCP) a four-year project
aimed at reducing the burden of cancer morbidity and mortality in

4. Duration of the work

Dar es Salaam and Mwanza Regions of Tanzania. The project is led
by the Aga Khan Health Services Tanzania (AKHST) together with its
The radio station is expected to complete this assignment within 30
partners that include Aga Khan Foundation Tanzania (AKFT), Ocean
days after the signature of the agreement. The exact starting date
Road Cancer Institute (ORCI), Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH)
will be the signing of the agreement. The radio station is expected to
Bugando Medical Centre (BMC), President’s Office Regional and
deliver overall aired spots in soft copy.
Local Government (PO-RALG), and Ministry of Health, Community
Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) with

5. Job Requirement
technical support from Institut Curie. The four-year project is
The Radio station interested in this work is required to have the
funded by Agence Francaise de Developement (AFD) and Aga Khan
following qualifications.
Should have regional reach and amongst the top three
listened shows regionally amongst the local radio stations.
The project aims to address the challenges throughout the
Relevant experience in preparing and hosting health
continuum of cancer care by implementing an innovative public-
related radio shows.
private partnership that aims at strengthening and expanding the
.Have presenters who can generate and pitch ideas and
quality, access, and capacity of cancer care services in the country
provide accurate information to targeted audience
The project has four major objectives that include: improving and
Operating within relevant legislative frameworks.
expanding existing oncology infrastructure, building the capacity of
Good knowledge of media and CSO working environment.
staff of the participating institutions, strengthening community cancer
Excellent knowledge and understanding of legal, socio-
awareness and engagement, and developing joint research agenda and
economic, political, and cultural context of Tanzania.
partnership among the project partners. The project is expected to
Excellent delivery of content in Kiswahili language.
directly benefit approximately 1.7 million people and work with 100
knowledge of local languages will also be an added
health facilities at all levels in Dar es Salaam and Mwanza regions.
Comply with Aga Khan Foundation terms and conditions.

2. Objective

To address cancer challenges, communicating critical risk factors
need for early screening and where to get treatment through
Application Deadline: complete applications should be sent to
engagement via media remains critical to stimulate behaviour change
akftzprocurement@akfea.org cc gloria.ngatuni@akdn org by
that will reduce cancer morbidity and mortality. Aga Khan Foundation
04: 30pm on Tuesday 18, April 2023.
through the TCCP project is planning to air radio spots that will cover
pre-recorded contents cancer early screening, risk factors and possible
The shortlisted candidates will be invited to participate in a call
prevention. To this end, AKF invites competent Radio stations to
to further present and clarify their ideas.
apply and contribute to the objective of the call based on the terms
stated herein.
AKF is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is Committed
to Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children and
Vulnerable Adults and Expects all Staff and Partners to Share


Education Requirement:No Requirements

Job Experience:No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure

3. Scope of the work
this Commitment.
Under the general supervision of the Aga Khan Foundation, Tanzania
Head of Office and the direct supervision of the Programs Manager-
The Aga Khan Foundation is an agency of the Aga Khan
Health, the radio station will deliver radio programs related to cancer
Development Network (www.akdn.org 

All Jobs


Job Info
Job Category: Accounting/ Finance jobs in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday,March 31st 2023
Duty Station: Tanzania
Posted: 12-04-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 12-04-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 12-04-2065
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