Wezesha Vijana Program Manager Job at Asante Africa Foundation - Career Opportunity in Tanzania
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Vacancy title:
Wezesha Vijana Program Manager

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Admin & Office ]


Jobs at:

Asante Africa Foundation

Deadline of this Job:
30 January 2020  

Duty Station:
Within Tanzania , Dar es Salaam , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, January 27, 2020 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Job Summary To ensure that all programs targets of the Girls Advancement Program are achieved across the integrated 3-pillar program (health, financial and social assets), are of excellent technical quality and contributes significantly to AAF’s strategic objectives, national/global learning and advocacy. .

  Duties and Responsibility
• Provide strategic guidance and technical support, supervision and leadership to ensuring quality control of all program deliverables including overall achievement of program objectives and targets.
• Oversee preparation of annual detailed implementation plans, monitoring performance against work plan deadlines and all project reporting requirements.
• Provide oversight of all financial management of the project including budget planning, expenditure, reporting and ensuring effective use of financial and human resources in accordance with all AAF”s financial procedures and protocols.
• Provide technical guidance to ensure that all program goals are met through delivery of integrated project activities across the 3-program pillars (health, financial and social) that meet the program goals targeting girls aged 10 -17 years of age.
• Maintain effective and regular communication with other implementing and research partners, working closely and supporting partners in the efficient delivery of all operational research activities including design, roll-out and collection of on-going project monitoring data.
• Travel frequently to implementation sites to liaise with field staff/CBOs/regional Coordinators across, community leaders, local governments and beneficiaries to ensure continued participation and support for the project.
• Be fully aware of national policies, strategies and other initiatives and developments by the Government of Kenya and other stakeholders relating to gender and gender equality, especially with respect to young/adolescent girls, and critical intersections with the project’s 3-pillars i.e. health/SRH, financial and social assets.
• Ensure active dissemination of program activities, results and lessons learned through the production of quality technical project documents and their effective dissemination to key stakeholders.
• Work with the M&E team to develop a project M&E framework participating in the design of baseline, mid-term and end of project evaluations, as required.
• Collect qualitative and quantitative data concerning the outcomes and impact of Girls Programs and entering the same data for analysis.
• Coordinate Girls’ program related events such as Training of Trainers workshops, mothers-daughters’ meetings, community meetings etc.
• Collaborate in development and adaptation of training materials for workshop content for CBO coordinators, program mentors and adolescent girl/boys participants.
• Participation in working groups and technical meetings relevant to the program goals to ensure adequate field visibility through attendance at technical meetings at county and ward level.

Job Skills: Not Specified

  Job Specifications
The job holder must possess:
• Bachelor’s degree in social sciences or Gender studies;
• At least 5 years’ experience in adolescent girls programming;
• Must speak and write proficiently in English, Swahili.
• Demonstrative project management and financial management experience.
• specific understanding of issues related to rural communities, challenges for youth and particularly for girls;
• Proven representation and advocacy skills;
• Experience writing donor funding proposals for large institutional grants.
• Demonstrated Strong report writing skills and ability to compile narrative sections for proposals and donor reports;
• Desirable is working knowledge of database management systems like salesforce.com and excel systems.

Job Education Requirements: Not Specified

Job Experience Requirements: Not Specified

Work Hours: 8


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Job application procedure
Interested candidates should send their CV, cover letter and contacts of three referees (as a single PDF file) to etesha@asanteafrica.org  before 30th January 2020. All applications must be clearly marked: Girls’ Advancement Program Manager - Only PDF applications will be accepted

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 30th January 2020
Duty Station: Tanzania
Posted: 27-01-2020
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 27-01-2020
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 28-01-2065
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