Youth Employability Skills (Yes) And Life Skill Trainings. Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) job at The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)
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Vacancy title:
Youth Employability Skills (Yes) And Life Skill Trainings. Call for Expression of Interest (EOI)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)

Deadline of this Job:
12 November 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Tanzania , Dar es Salaam , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, October 29, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

About the Aga Khan Foundation
The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), was established by His Highness the Aga Khan in 1967. AKF is a private, not-for-profit international development agency that seeks to provide long-term solutions to society’s problems. AKF has a special focus on investing in human potential, expanding opportunity, and improving the overall quality of life, especially for women and girls. AKF works closely with civil society groups in programme levels in all its thematic areas, with a range of synergistic initiatives that both support civil society actors and benefit from their reach and experience. AKF’s primary areas of focus are Education; Early Childhood Development (ECD); Health and Nutrition; Civil Society; Agriculture and Food Security; and Economic Inclusion.
Project Description
The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and its agencies have launched a new programme in Eastern Africa. The programme focuses on strengthening community responses across four countries – Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda – to overcome ongoing economic and social issues. With multi-layered health and economic crises accelerating in recent months across the world, many countries’ existing systems have been stretched and tested in their ability to effectively keep up with negative impacts. The combined challenges expose underlying socio-economic fragilities. Collectively, the negative impacts could have devastating long-term social and economic effects on the most vulnerable and marginalized communities.

The project anticipates the following intermediary outcomes.
Strengthen coping strategies against socio-economic shocks for vulnerable men, women, and youth.
Increase access to youth-friendly employability and entrepreneurship development opportunities.
Youth are known to face disproportionate challenges, due to barriers in accessing life and employability skills development opportunities among other services. Across all contexts, there is an urgent need to strengthen communities’ abilities to cope with socio-economic shocks, to mitigate negative impacts on their development efforts.

Description of Opportunity
AKF is seeking Eol from Local Youth focused CSOs with the expertise and experience in mobilizing and training the youth in employability and life skills. AKF will work in collaboration with the Partner to deliver youth-friendly employability and life skills to 2000 young men and women aged 15 to 25 who are out of school. AKF and the partner will enroll youth in both rural and urban areas into employability skills training programmes of up to 12 months to help prepare them for employment. Alongside employability skills training soft life skills training packages will be included, developed in collaboration with partners to strengthen attitudes, behaviours and values that enable young people to navigate their environment, partnerships, performance and to achieve their goals.
Shortlisted EOI will be reviewed by an external partner earliest November 2021. Following this review, finalists will be invited to co-create and develop a full proposal for a tentative start in implementation from November 2021. The selected Organization will receive sub grants to implement the youth employability and life skills trainings to the selected youth over a period of 6-12 months.

Scope of Work
The selected Partner will be required to work in the following areas of interest.
• Mobilize and enroll the targeted (out of school) youth in Dai’ Es Salaam, Mw’anza, Lindi and Mtwara regions.
• Design the training content (regional specific) based on a skills and market need assessment focusing on youth opportunity landscape and market labor demand.
• Provide technical training of up to 12 months on YES and soft skills which will help prepare them for the labour market, strengthen attitudes, behaviors, and personal qualities. The context should be future facing and resilience focusing
• Conduct coaching and mentoring sessions or networks of the trained youth.
• Improve and facilitate trainees transition to work i.e., increasing access to information about the work-world, providing interview training, creating opportunities for networking, attendance at job fairs, or identifying opportunities for internships and apprenticeships.
• Conduct regular’ monitoring and reporting on the progress of trained youth to document their development and challenges.
• Develop and share story telling contents of success stories

Requirements and Competencies
Organizations wishing to apply should meet the following requirements and competencies:
• Legal registrations from the relevant authorities
• Experience in conducting technical trainings related to YES and life skills, including digital skills
• Experience in mobilizing and working with young men and women for similar programs.
• Previous and/or current interventions of the last 3 years in the target areas and regions is an advantage.
• Provide evidence/contact details of successful youth that have graduated from their programs and received access to employment opportunities.
• Institutional capacity for the delivery of the technical support.
• The organization has been operating for at least 5 years in the provision of technical trainings on youth employability skills.

Expression of Interest Instructions
Please submit your organization’s Eol following the content structure provided below.
Maximum five (5) pages will be reviewed and accepted. Applicants can submit no more than one Eol as Lead applicant.

Organization Profile(s) (max 0.5 page)
• Address, locations, and point of contact information; including the specific location of operations and how they relate to target areas.
• Ownership/Type of Entity
• Description of the organization and its main activities (history of operation, milestones)
• Management Team – brief on key staff and core competencies for the proposed
• Targeted geography
• Description of safeguarding policy and mechanisms, including child protection

Description of Context, Challenges and Justification (max 2.5 page)
• Please use this section to explain the concept of the call topic and the rationale for proposing the plan. How do you understand the context and the local challenges region specific in four regions of Dar es Salaam, Mw-anza, Lindi and Mtwara?
• Explain how your organization defines Youth Employability Skills especially at grassroot level.
• Please also describe the overall implementation approaches and methodologies intended to be used to achieve the key objectives of the Call topic and to meet what is expected.
• This should include youth appropriate and gender responses approaches that will be used during the implementation, o A brief description of the proposed targets and groups to be reached by your organization, o What will be the selection criteria for the youth to be engaged in the program? o How coaching and mentoring will be conducted.
• Indicate the current infrastructure, and expertise in the organization that will be deployed in delivery of the employability and life skills trainings.
• Description of evidence on why the proposed methods and approaches will be successful and sustainable beyond the project period including examples.
• Description of evidence where the proposed approaches were used with successful achievements
• Description of how the target youth will be tracked to monitor their progress during and after the training and
• support.
• Summary of time frame for implementations with key milestones

High Level Budget (max 0.5 page)
A tentative summary budget clearly differentiating Core Costs (running costs for the partner organizations including full/partial salaries, rent, travel, or other operational costs required for day-to-day operations) and Implementation Costs (cost of delivery of proposed interventions). The proposed budget should be ranging between TZS 175,800,000 to TZS 234,401,661.

Additional Information (annexed)
• Proof of Legal Registration
• Capacity Statement (including size of previous and current grants)
• Organizational chart
• CVs of CEO/Director and Technical Lead on youth employability and life skills trainings.
• Sample of a recent donor / partner report or Links to recent publications / examples of recent similar/related assignments on YES and life skills related publications or Links to recent communications / social media
• Organizational capacity assessment report, if available and no older than 2 years (organizations will not be penalized if unavailable)
• Experience on previous grants on YES and life skills focused program.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

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Job application procedure
Expressions of Interest must be electronically submitted by 6pm on Friday 12nd November 2021.
To:  Copying:  with
Subject line: “EC – AKDN COVID -19 Response partnership BDS Partner EOI”
Only shortlisted organizations will he contacted.
AKF believes in Equal Opportunity and is Committed to Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children and Vulnerable Adults and Expects all Staff and Partners to Share this Commitment.
The Aga Khan Foundation is an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (  )

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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 12 November 2021
Duty Station: Dar es Salaam
Posted: 29-10-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 29-10-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 29-10-2065
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