Consultant Terms of Reference: FY25 Health Financing Activities in Tanzania - Ongoing Technical support job at Results for Development (R4D)
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Consultant Terms of Reference: FY25 Health Financing Activities in Tanzania - Ongoing Technical support

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Social Services & Nonprofit ]

Jobs at:

Results for Development (R4D)

Deadline of this Job:
Monday, December 30 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Tanzania , Dar es Salaam, East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, November 13 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Results for Development (R4D) jobs in Tanzania

Results for Development (R4D) is a leading non-profit global development partner. We collaborate with change agents around the world — government officials, civil society leaders and social innovators — to create strong systems that support healthy, educated people. We help our partners move from knowing their goal to knowing how to reach it. We combine global expertise in health, education and nutrition with analytic rigor, practical support for decision-making and implementation and access to peer problem-solving networks. Together with our partners, we build self-sustaining systems that serve everyone and deliver lasting results. Then we share what we learn so others can achieve results for development, too.

We have a unique and vibrant culture at R4D. Diversity, equity and inclusion are at the heart of our work environment and help advance our mission. Diversity—of ideas, identities, perspectives and backgrounds—is vital to who we are and what we do. We seek people who embrace these values and will help reinforce them. Our work culture is collaborative, creative and entrepreneurial. We operate based on trust and respect. Teams across the organization frequently collaborate on programmatic work and support each other in continuously building a better R4D.

Act to End NTDs I East Project
I. Background
USAID’s Act to End Neglected Tropical Diseases | East (Act | East) program, led by RTI International, supports countries to reach their NTD control and elimination goals through proven, cost-effective public health interventions. The program provides critical support to countries in their journey to self-reliance by helping to create sustainable NTD programming within a robust and resilient health system. The project focuses on partnering with NTD-endemic countries to eliminate and control five of the most common NTDs, including lymphatic filariasis, trachoma, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, and soil-transmitted helminths (hookworm, ringworm, and whipworm), which affect more than one billion people worldwide.

Act to End NTDs | East also strengthens local capacity for planning, budgeting, and budget execution so that NTD programs can continue with high levels of effectiveness. In Tanzania, the program helps the Ministry of Health (MoH) identify potential options for sustainable financing of NTDs, in line with broader health financing strategies for domestic resource mobilization (DRM), Primary Health Care (PHC) and/or Universal Health Coverage (UHC). As such, Act | East will support government institutions to assume greater programmatic and financial responsibility for their NTDs response.

In FY24, Act | East provided technical support to 57 prioritized councils to plan and budget for NTD activities using the existing President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) planning and reporting system during the development of Comprehensive Council Health Plans (CCHPs). In FY25, Act | East will extend providing technical support to all 184 councils to plan and budget for NTDs in CCHPs by building their capacity to use the PO-RALG planning and reporting tool to track approval, allocation, and disbursement of funds; and to negotiate fund allocation at council budgeting meetings.R4D will hire a local consultant to support the CCHP activities in close coordination with Tanzania’s HSS Advisor, Chief of Party (COP), MoH-NTDCP Program Manager and PORALG.

II. Objective of the consultancy
The objective of the consultancy is to provide technical assistance to the MoH and PO-RALG strengthen the CCHP and budget development process, implementation of the Tanzania Domestic Resource Mobilisation Strategy, development of NTD Mid-Term Review report on the Strategic plan as well as provide technical support to MOH on the conversion of NTD comprehensive Modules into an e-learning format.

The consultant will perform the following tasks:
Activity #1: Build the capacity of councils to plan and budget for NTDs: The consultant will work with MoH and PO-RALG on the nationwide scale-up of NTD planning and budgeting tools to the remaining 127 CCHPs through the online distance e-learning platform hosted by PO-RALG’s Local Government Training Institute. Consultant will review existing materials and update them to suit the online platform. Once the materials are updated, the consultant will support the MOH to conduct a training of 40 trainers—5 per zone in the 8 administrative zones of Mainland Tanzania. This training will involve health and non-health authorities such as District Planning Officers (DPLOs) and District Health Secretaries, who are responsible for planning and budgeting as well as other key stakeholders relevant to NTD activities.

The training will begin in Q1 and continue into Q2 and will require the consultant to liaise and work with Act | East and MOH to develop a training plan for three training workshops (2-days each) each. This training will include a review of current budget allocations and disbursements using the template provided in the pocket guide, as well as build capacity of the councils on how to track NTD funding allocations and disbursements.

Activity #2:Conversion of Comprehensive NTD Orientation Modules to e-Learning Format and Uploading into MOH e-Learning Platform: The consultant with the Directorate of Human Resource and Development (DHRD) and TZNTDCP, will facilitate a 3-day meeting on the conversion of the NTD modules into the e-learning format, and thereafter DHRD and TZNTDCP will upload the modules into the MOH e-learning platform. Ultimately this activity will lead to an accredited e-learning module by professional councils, where learners can obtain continuous professional development points (CPDs). The meeting will employ a participatory approach to engage all participants through presentations and group discussions on the structure, content, and expected outcomes of the modules.
The consultant will facilitate a three-day in-person piloting workshopon the e-learning module conversion for selected councils. After the workshop the consultant is expected to develop a Road Map for accreditation of NTD Modules in the respective professional councils.

Activity #3: Support the MOH-TZNTDCP to Implement the NTD Financing Strategy: The consultant will work with the MOH to provide technical support for a 2-day dissemination and consensus building meeting on the implementation of the NTD financing strategy proposal with the MOH DPP and Director of Preventive Services, PO-RALG, MOF, and other senior government policymakers. Specifically, the consultant will provide technical support to develop policy briefs with key messaging pertaining to these financing strategy proposals to ensure political will and buy-in. This activity will help build a foundation for prioritizing NTDs in the council’s planning and budgeting process and the integration of NTD interventions into health sector and beyond (Education, Water, One WASH, and others).

Activity #4:Support in the Mid-Term Review of NTD Strategic Master Plan (2021–2026): The consultant will work with the MOH to conduct a mid-term review of the NTD Strategic Master Plan, to document progress and inform implementation priorities for its remaining years and contribute to the HSS Plan V mid-term findings. Specifically, consultant will help facilitate a 4-day focus group discussion meeting in Q2 to review progress against the NTD Strategic Master Plan indicators, reprioritize the identified gaps, and agree on related actions. Participants will include representatives from MOH, PO-RALG, partner, learning and research institutions, and representatives at the regional and council level.

Activity #5: Securing Inclusion of People with NTDs and NTD Services into the UHI Act of 2023: The consultant will support TZNTDCP to conduct a 3-day co-creation workshop that will include disease experts, UHI technocrats, and the MOF team to develop a minimum basic NTD service package for all NTDs for inclusion in the UHI Essential Service Benefit Package. This basic NTD package will serve as a reference guide to government, private sector, civil society, communities, collaborating donor agencies, development partners, and different institutions on priorities for support for inclusion into UHI. It will also guide partners to strengthen M&E of interventions to ensure the delivery of a service package that is efficient and responsive to country needs. This workshop will involve the identification of NTD-related chronic conditions to be proposed for inclusion into the approved earmarked taxes of UHI Act 2023.

III Expected Deliverables
Activity #1:Build the capacity of councils to plan and budget for NTDs:
i) Deliverable 1.1: Develop planning and budgeting training materials and tools.
ii) Deliverable 1.2: Three CCHP training workshops (2-days each) for the new councils.

Activity #2: Complete NTD Planning and Budgeting Module for e-Learning Platform:
Deliverable 2.1:
i) Deliverable 2.1: NTD training modules in e-learning format. (Facilitate one 3-day participatory meeting to determine conversion of materials/Facilitate one piloting workshop for select councils on the e-learning materials/Develop a Roadmap that outlines accreditation of the NTD modules in at least 2 professional councils.
ii) Deliverable 2.2: Accreditation of NTD modules in at least 2- professional councils.

Activity #3:Support the MOH-TZNTDCP to Implement the NTD Financing Strategy.
i) Deliverable 3.1:Two-day dissemination and consensus building meeting on the implementation of the NTD financing strategy proposals with the MOH.
ii) Deliverable 3.2: TwoPolicy briefs financing strategy proposal.

Activity #4:Support in the Mid-Term Review of NTD Strategic Master Plan (2021–2026):
i) Deliverable 4.1:Facilitate focus group discussions and analyze the data on Mid-Term Review of NTD Strategic Master Plan.
ii) Deliverable 4.2: Develop and present PowerPoint slides on Mid-Term Review of NTD Strategic Master Plan outcomes in a 2-day review and validation workshop. After the session, the consultant will incorporate the feedback in the review document and submit the final version to R4D team.

Activity #5:Securing Inclusion of People with NTDs and NTD Services into the UHI Act of 2023:
i) Deliverable 5.1: Facilitate focus group discussions on NTD Services for inclusion into the UHI Act of 2023.
ii) Deliverable 5.2: Develop and present PowerPoint slides on NTD Services for inclusion into the UHI Act of 2023 in a 2-day review and validation workshop. After the session, the consultant will incorporate the feedback in the package document and submit the final version to R4D team.
iii) Deliverable 5.3: Final draft report on NTD Services for inclusion into the UHI Act of 2023.

IV Qualifications
· Master’s degree in health economics, health policy and management, or public health with a health financing focus.
· At least seven (7) years of field-based experience working on health financing and/or health economics evaluation and analytics, health policy, planning, public financial management (PFM), and/or financing in Tanzania.
· Experience in workshop facilitation and collaboration with government and non-government stakeholders.
· Familiarity with the Tanzanian health financing mechanisms and health system, Tanzanian Department of Health, NTD or vertical programs including HIV/AIDS, FP/RH, Malaria, EPI, MCH, TB, among others is necessary.
· Full professional fluency in English, including excellent written communication skills; language abilities relevant to the project countries also valuable.
· Ability to work independently and collaboratively as part of a team and deliver high-quality results within tight timeframes.
· Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
· Must be based in Tanzania.

V Implementation arrangements

The consultant will work under the guidance and direct supervision of R4D’s Program Officer. The consultant will also be expected to routinely engage with the Act | East HSS advisor and the MOH-NTDCP-HSS focal person. RTI serves as the implementing partner in Tanzania and the consultant should coordinate efforts and engagement with RTI, MOH/NTDCP, and government stakeholders. The consultant will provide regular updates on the progress of the activities to the Act | East HSS advisor, MOH-NTDCP-HSS focal person and R4D program officer. The consultant will be based in Tanzania and may require regional travel in accordance with R4D travel and safety precautions.

VI Timeline & Output
The timeline of the deliverables are as follows:
Activity: Build the capacity of councils to plan and budget for NTDs
· Deliverable 1.1 (Timeline: 30th December 2024)
· Deliverable 1.2 (15th June 2025)

Activity: Conversion of Comprehensive NTD Orientation Modules to e-Learning Format and Uploading into MOH e-Learning Platform
· Deliverable 2.1 ( 30th July 2025)
· Deliverable 2.2 (31st August 2025)

Activity: Support the MOH-TZNTDCP to Implement the NTD Financing Strategy
· Deliverable 3.1 (31st December 2024)
· Deliverable 3.2 (15th September 2025)

Activity: Support in the Mid-Term Review of NTD Strategic Master Plan (2021–2026)
· Deliverable 4.1 (31st January 2025)
· Deliverable 4.2 (15th February 2025)

Activity: Securing Inclusion of People with NTDs and NTD Services into the UHI Act of 2023
· Deliverable 5.1 (31st January 2025)
· Deliverable 5.2 (1st March 2025)
· Deliverable 5.3 (1st April 2025)

The consultancy must be completed by December 30, 2025.
Results for Development is an EOE/M/F/Vet/Disabled/Affirmative Action Employer committed to fostering
and nurturing an energetic, collaborative and diverse workforce. R4D provides market-competitive salaries and comprehensive employee benefits.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 84

Level of Education:
Associate Degree

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Monday, December 30 2024
Duty Station: Dar es Salaam
Posted: 13-11-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 13-11-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 13-11-2077
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