4 It officers grade ii job at Arusha mount meru regional referral hospital
840 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
4 It officers grade ii

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Healthcare , Category: Computer & IT ]

Jobs at:

Arusha mount meru regional referral hospital

Deadline of this Job:
28 November 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Tanzania , Arusha , East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, November 17, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Arusha mount meru regional referral hospital
Arusha mount meru regional referral hospital jobs in Tanzania


Mt. Meru likes the Medical Officer of the Arusha Regional Referral Hospital
to announce all Tanzanians who have the required qualifications and are willing to work
in Arusha Regional Referral Hospital -Mt. Meru submit their request.

qualifications of the applicant
• Computer Degree Graduate in the following fields; Computer Science, computer engineering and Information Technology.
• Be a citizen of Tanzania.
• He should not be more than 45 years old.
• He should have full training certificates for the field he studied.
• He should not be an employee of the government or other organizations whose salary is paid by the government and he should not have ever been employed by the government.

Duties and responsibilities
• Establishing and managing flow charts for information and control systems.
• Installation of new systems infrastructure, technology acquisition and software solutions for improvement to meet current systemic needs
• To perform system functions required by the employer to the required standards.
• Designing technical methods that will solve existing systemic challenges. Example: - designing new systems to record customer information at different times when needed.
• Provide technical infrastructure requirements for health service delivery systems for all areas that provide hospital services.
• Improving the technical procedures of the systems and ensuring the systems are working properly.
• Manage and maintain internal infrastructure needs including computers, servers, routers, printers, phones, LAN and WAN.
• Monitor and resolve network errors on network transmission and service delivery equipment.
• Doing other creative tasks that will facilitate work through systems according to the needs of the employer.
• To do other work that will be assigned by his employer for work that is compatible with his qualifications and profession.

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
All applications must be attached with the following documents:
• A copy of the fourth / sixth form certificate.
• Copies of Professional Certificates.
• Personal information (CV), showing age, full address and mobile phone number, as well as the address / phone number of at least two guarantors.
• Passport type photo 2.
• Copy of birth certificate.

The deadline for sending applications is 28/11/2022.

All applications should be submitted by post or in person:
Physician in charge,
Arusha regional referral hospital Mt.meru,
S.l.p 3092,
The wedding

All Jobs


28 November 2022
Job Info
Job Category: Computer/ IT jobs in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 28 November 2022
Duty Station: Arusha
Posted: 17-11-2022
No of Jobs: 4
Start Publishing: 17-11-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-11-2066
Apply Now
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