Rikolto works to support actors in the food systems to unlock the potential to feeding the world while taking care of the environment. We seek to strengthen the capacities of our partners to harness the dynamics of various food chains with a focus on both formal and informal markets. Our target final beneficiaries are farmers, traders and consumers, youth, female, and male. Smallholder farmers organizations, private sector businesses and Cities are the key actors we work with to achieve the desired changes in the food system. Among the strategies Rikolto uses to unlock potentials is strengthening the capacity of farmer business organizations and cooperative into strong and viable business organizations/partners to actively engage as key players in the value chain. Before undertaking any capacity development plan, assess the level, capacity and Gaps to farmer business organization and cooperatives to better plan for capacity development plan. These are important steps which help professionalization of farmer business organizations and cooperatives.
Rikolto in Tanzania has recently secured funding from AGRA to implement a Youth Entrepreneurship for the Future of Food and Agriculture (YEFFA) project by Empowering Youth and Women Through Integrated and Resilient Market-Led Sunflower Value Chain Development. The project is being executed through various partners across Tanzania and is funded by the Mastercard Foundation. The project has a goal of 100,000 smallholder sunflower farmers reached including youth and women, empower over 12,068 youth to secure dignified and fulfilling work from the agriculture along sunflower value chain in Mbeya, Songwe, Njombe, Rukwa and Katavi.
Professionalization of Farmer business organization
Rikolto is currently working with number of Farmer Business Organizations (FBOs) in the five regions mentioned above. The Professionalization of FBOs aimed at ensuring that these organizations are becoming strong business partners, and they can support members businesses to be more profitable, more sustainable, and better linked to markets. As for this assignment, the focus is to professionalize the following farmer organizations and Cooperatives. Below is Number of farmer organizations to be professionalized in the target regions
Business development consultant assignment and assignment Methodology
Rikolto requires Business Development Consultants to undertake capacity Building, Mentorship and Coaching to farmer business organization and cooperatives based on weaknesses and Gaps identified through Quick assessment Tool. Capacity building will be carried out through developed capacity development plan jointly with farmer business organization. The consultant is advised and recommended to use more coaching, mentorship and less to classroom training /sessions. The consultant is expected to prepare work plans for the delivery of training sessions and the subsequent coaching sessions based on the TOR and the detailed capacity development plan.
The training and coaching should be specifically looked at through the lens of the association’s business objectives as stated in the value propositions, business plan and constitutions. Training plan should consider Seasonality as it is important to ensure that the training program does not disrupt the farming activities. Coaching sessions will be designed to have the designed impact and therefore expect participants in the sessions will vary according to their responsibilities in the day-to-day operations of the association. Rikolto believes that on-the-job coaching can be very effective and deepen the impact. Some sessions can therefore be delivered within business planning or membership meetings.
Scope of work
The detailed assessment of the assignment is contained in the capacity development plan.
The scope of work includes and not limited to the following.
As identified in Quick assessment tool. Associations/cooperative Governance system seem to be week with Lack of qualified personnel to run the organization. Currently most of these organizations doesn’t have a manager to handle organization functions. Usually depends on group leaders to volunteer perfuming organization functions. As for this capacity development assignment, A Consultant is required to do the following
Results from Quick scan have revealed weakness in financial management with poor financial management systems in place. The following are what need to be done but not limited to
Quick scan has revealed challenges in production and operations. With this assignment, the following tasks are suggested but not limited to
Duration of the assignment
This assignment has been allocated for 180 man working days tentatively and redistributed 9days per group based to developed and agreed workplan. The Final submission of report is due by October 30, 2025.
Requirements and Procedure to apply
Qualified firms/candidates are invited to submit their Technical and Financial proposal, Methodology/ approach, Legal status, experience and CVs via email by 29 February 2025 and should indicate the tittle and the source of this advertisement. Three consultants are needed (Njombe 1, Mbeya and Songwe 1, Rukwa and Katavi 1). You need to indicate where (Regions) will be your interest. For more details on this consultancy opportunity, please visit this link
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