Call For Proposals To Partner In Implementing The Project” Implementation On Improving Living And Learning Environment Through Wash And Livelihood Support In Tanzania” Tendering at Habitat for Humanity
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Call For Proposals To Partner In Implementing The Project” Implementation On Improving Living And Learning Environment Through Wash And Livelihood Support In Tanzania”

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Habitat for Humanity jobs in Tanzania

Terms of reference

1.            Introduction

Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action. Since the founding in 1976, Habitat for Humanity has helped more than 22 million people meet their affordable housing needs and obtain a safer place to live in, along with the strength, stability and independence to build better lives, in more than 70 countries. In fiscal year 2018, Habitat for Humanity helped more than 8.7 million people worldwide improve their living conditions through new home construction, rehabilitation, incremental improvements, repairs or improved market access to affordable housing. An additional 2.2 million people potentially gained access to improved housing conditions as a result of our advocacy efforts, and the training in construction and financial management we provide. HFHI works through a broad network of national organizations and other strategic partners, such as corporations, financial service providers, individuals, non-governmental organizations, foundations, local governments, as well as private and third sector actors.

HFHI is anchored on a fundamental vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. This vision has been the driving force in all HFHI’s actions and activities that have seen more than 29 million people around the world supported to build or improve the place they call home.

1.            Project Background

Housing plays an important role in supporting human life as shelter and basic human rights according to the UN Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. Unhygienic and unsafe housing and learning conditions place households at risk. According to a baseline survey conducted by HFHT in 2 districts in Tanzania in 2017, some of the factors that prevent people from owning decent houses are: lack of land/plots for individual homebuilders; high cost of building materials compared to low incomes of both employed people and petty traders; rapid growth of the population leading to overcrowding in dwellings especially for the low-income populations; poor conditions of service infrastructure and basic services of water and sanitation particularly to the low-income areas and in squatters.

Access to land is commonly cited as one of the chief constraints not only to women but more so for young people’s ability to be productive participants in the economy. Lack of land and other property rights makes it difficult for the youth to have a place to put homes. Also limited youth engagement in land related decision making and policy making processes from the village to the national levels, limited access to finance to buy or rent land stand as obstacles to women and youth. The majority of Tanzanian youth lack capital and are unable to access finance in local banks and credit institutions due to restrictive lending conditions such as high interest rates and collateral requirements.

A large majority (85%) of the Tanzanian population is employed in the informal economy[1]. It is estimated that 58% of youth between 15-35 years earn a basic living through informal sector activity as their main source of income[2] while women workers dominate the sector, concentrated in activities such as food vending, tailoring, agricultural jobs, etc. Work in this sector is associated with low incomes and vulnerability (including lack of sufficient savings). Youth may not have formal employment, may not have a credit history, and are regarded as a risky group to offer credit; hence many youths do not qualify for loans that are often needed to purchase or rent land. Many youths who graduate find it difficult to get employment due to lack of experience and employability skills. One way of gaining skills and experience is through volunteering.

Volunteering is a key part of building resilience in local communities. In areas with high levels of community involvement there are benefits to the wellbeing of both those involved and to other people living in the area. Voluntary activity contributes enormously to making communities a better place to live. One of the major areas of need in Tanzania is environmental conservation since climate change affects all of us, but especially poor communities face the consequences the most. Working in environmental conservation projects is a great way to help maintain the ecosystem of our planet. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls on governments to work closely with volunteering groups on its implementation.

Tanzania is increasingly becoming vulnerable to climate change and environmental degradation whose effects threaten to erode human freedoms and limit choice. The youth will inherit climate change. Although impacts are being felt now, more troubling effects are projected to occur in the next 50 -100 years. More severe weather events, the spread of disease, and water shortages, to name a few. The youth will inherit the habits and mindsets that led to climate change unless they understand how greenhouse gas emissions – individual and societal – are created, and how they can be reduced. They need the information and skills to communicate their stand on climate change, as well as be a part of the solution, now and in the future. The risks associated with climate change are already evident in various economic sectors essential for Tanzania’s livelihood and sustenance, including water resources, energy generation, food security, ecosystems/biodiversity and human health. In the most vulnerable communities, the impacts of climate change pose a direct threat to people’s survival. Although numerous efforts have been undertaken to raise awareness on climate change at global, regional and national levels, not every individual has sufficient knowledge and information of the problem posed by climate change and the reactive/proactive measures required to address the problem. More efforts are still needed to enhance climate information sharing and raise the public awareness on climate change especially at community level.

Access to safe water and sanitation (WASH) is a human right since safe drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene are crucial to human health and wellbeing. Safe WASH is not only a prerequisite to health, but contributes to livelihoods, school attendance and dignity and helps to create resilient communities living in healthy environments. The right to water and sanitation require that these basics are adequate, accessible, safe, acceptable, and affordable for all and without any discrimination. The global effort to achieve sanitation and water for all by 2030 is extending beyond the household to include institutional settings, such as schools. Inequitable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) negatively affects health outcomes with associations in increased rates of diarrheal disease and school absenteeism. Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services, coupled with poor hygiene, are major concern in Tanzania.

WASH in schools encompasses clean drinking water, safe toilets, and place to wash hands which are just as important as teachers, classrooms and books. An assessment done by the Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MOEST) in 2016 shows that school WASH facilities are inadequate and practices are rather poor. The assessment showed that only 43% of schools have some sort of water sources, while 27% could meet the drop hole ratio of 1: 20 and 1:25 for girls and boys respectively. According to a baseline study done by My Legacy in Kinondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam Region in February 2022 (involving 20 schools) also revealed that only 10% of the schools had dedicated drinking water points, only 10% meet the drop hole ratio of 1:20 and 1:25 for girls and boys respectively, 55% had functional hand washing facilities. None of the 20 schools had dedicated room or any facilities to allow pubescent girls to use during menstruation. Facilities for waste management were also inadequate or lacking in most of the schools visited. School WASH challenges and gaps negatively impacts learning outcomes and the economic development of the country. The transmission of infectious diseases, which make up a large share of the burden of Tanzania’s school-age children, can be interrupted by good hygiene and improved sanitation in schools. The challenges and gaps in construction, operation, and maintenance of School WASH facilities has been mostly associated with inadequate budgeting and limited collaboration between key stakeholders at different levels down to the community.

The COVID 19 pandemic has presented new challenges in public health. Access to correct information and knowledge on resilience (including coping mechanisms) is becoming increasingly important to support communities to mitigate the risks of COVID-19 and continue with their everyday activities safely during and after the pandemic. Extending access to safe water and basic sanitation and improving hygiene practices will lower the incidence of diseases carried by water and improve public health, especially for women and children.

In order to deliver on the promise of the 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for it to be truly universal, and Tanzania Second Five Year Development Plan 201617-2020/21- (whose theme is: “Nurturing Industrialization for Economic Transformation and Human Development”) the development community needs to refocus its attention on marginalized people and direct investments to areas that have not been reached. This will broaden and deepen economic and social growth so that it results in inclusive and sustainable transformation.

The project will mobilize women and youth in economic groups, train them in group dynamics and leadership for proper business management, equip them with knowledge and skills to enable them be more creative in turning community challenges into opportunities for business and more employment creation, thus increased household incomes for improved livelihoods. Women and youth will be empowered to advocate for land and property rights and to lead in taking action to mitigate the effects of climate change. Women and youth will be trained in garbage recycling that will result into making improved manure production for commercial and home consumption, which will increase households’ incomes after sales.

Habitat for Humanity Tanzania (HFHT) has been working with partners to support the provision of housing microfinance for home improvement, and COVID 19 response through installation of handwashing points and WASH campaign for sanitation and hygiene improvement in schools and the community at large. This project intends to add another dimension by supporting construction of girls-friendly toilets and latrines so that girls can have safe spaces to manage their menstruation while attending school.

1.            Objective

The main objective of this project is to widen the scope of the already piloted WASH interventions as a strategy to address housing infrastructure poverty amongst disadvantaged people in Tanzania.

Specific objectives are:

1.            Increased awareness to land rights, sanitation and hygiene including menstrual hygiene services to targeted schools and communities (Component 1)

2.            Increased Livelihood opportunities through skills training, savings and access to credit (Component 2)

3.            Mitigated effects of Climate change for sustainable access to safe clean water and safe living and learning environment (Component 3)

4.            Promotion of good practice in working with volunteers, including adequately resourcing volunteer management and support (Component 4)

The project will impact on health, education and the environment, and improve incomes for women and youths who are marginalized economically. In this way, the visibility HFHT in various geographical parts of Tanzania will be enhanced thus opening doors for collaboration on activities that would enable the diversification of livelihoods for the youth, women and persons with disabilities and mitigate climate change effects.

1.            Scope of Work

Implementation of the COVID projects by HFHT through a partner has provided a good basis to continue working with and through partners including the local government. HFHT will provide overall project management to ensure that the project is implemented successfully through selected partner NGO(s). The partners will be sub-contracted as main implementing organizations, ensuring that implementation of the activities is of high standard, including through provision of training, ongoing monitoring, mentoring and reporting, and linkages with other technical experts.

Each of the four specific objectives constitute a work component/package.

Objective 1 and Objective 4 already have a partner who is implementing the project in Dar es Salaam scaling up on already implemented activities in the past.

This call therefore is to interest and attract other potential partners to select any one of the remaining Objective 2 (to be implemented in Arusha) and Objective 3 (to be implemented in Dodoma). The project implementation outputs and activities for each objective/work package with corresponding performance indicators is outlined in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Project Implementation Modality through Partners


Performance Indicators

Objective 1: Increased awareness to land rights, sanitation and hygiene including menstrual hygiene services to targeted schools and communities (Dar es salaam)

Output 1.1 Implementation of School WASH programme in 20 schools in Dar es Salaam

1.            Mobilize communities around at least 10 schools to support the school WASH programme

2.            Construct 5 girls’ friendly toilets in five schools.

3.            Conduct Training sessions to 1000 school girls in 10 schools on menstrual hygiene and management and making reusable sanitary pads as part of school WASH Program

4.            Train 30 teachers on supporting WASH clubs including integrating WASH themes into classroom teaching.

# Of community action taken to support school WASH programme

# of school girls with access to girl friendly latrines

# of school girls trained in menstrual hygiene management

Output 1.2 Women and Youth trained on land, housing and property policies and legal frameworks

1.2.1 Identify 30 women and youth to be trained

1.2.2 Develop training package on women and youth housing, land and property rights

1.2.2 Train 30 women and youth on housing, land, property rights

# Training package on women and youth housing, land and property rights in place

# Women and youth trained

Output 1.3 Implement safe housing and property rights advocacy

1.3.1 Conduct a participatory workshop with 30 stakeholders to develop advocacy strategy on Housing, land and property rights for youth

1.3.2 Identify 20 women and youth community leaders to be trained in community leadership to champion the advocacy strategy

1.3.3 Organize 1 high level conference of 50 participants on Housing, Land rights and youth

1.3.4 Awareness raising on housing, land and property rights and Land reforms to favor the youth through media (Radio and TV Talks shows, newspaper articles, social media)

1.3.5 Develop awareness raising materials on the right to land and decent housing for youth (1000 Leaflets,)

# Stakeholders participatory

# Women and youth community leaders trained

# Participants to the high-level conference

# Media reports

# Leaflets produced

Objective 2: Increased Livelihood opportunities through Skills training, savings and access to credit (Arusha)

Output 2.1 Established sustainable community lines of business appropriate for Women and Youth in Arusha

2.1.1 Facilitate the formation of 10 Women and Youth Community Economic Empowerment Groups (CEEG) each with 6 members

2.1.2 Conduct training in business planning, legal requirements and compliance for business,Financial literacy, savings and marketing for 60 members and connect them with MFIs

2.1.3 Select 3 livelihoods projects for business incubation and mentorship (2 women and youths’ economic groups each with 6 members (1 group of PWDs)

# Of Women and Youth Community Economic Empowerment Groups (CEEG) formed

# Of participants trained

# Of livelihood projects selected

# Of people mentored

# Of businesses incubated

Objective 3 Mitigated effects of Climate change for sustainable access to safe clean water and safe living and learning environment (Dodoma)

Output 3.1 Community education in climate change and environmental sanitation in Dodoma

3.1.1 Identify potential community led activities for protection of environment.

3.1.2 Raise awareness to community on climate change and environment protection

# of community led protection of environment activities

# of activities on awareness on climate change and environment protection in communities

Output 3.2 Community engagement in environmental conservation

3.2.1 Community engagement in environmental conservation including tree planting

3.2.2 Dialogues on climate change and environmental conservation using media/social media

# Of trees planted

# Of dialogues using social media

Output 3.3 Supported Solid waste reduction, clean-up and recycling initiatives

3.3.2 Organize “Clean the community campaigns”

3.3.3 Community sensitization on waste reduction

3.3.4 Train 4 women and Youth economic groups each with 6 members in garbage recycling as an income generating activity each with 6 members (24 members)

Reports on the campaign

Community cleaning events

# Of participants trained on garbage recycling

Objective 4: Promotion of good practice in working with volunteers, including adequately resourcing volunteer management and support

Output 4.1 Increased number of people committing to volunteer from communities


1.            Raise awareness on volunteering in communities using social media and community engagement

2.            Recruit 2 graduates, 2 community volunteers to support School WASH, COVID 19 response, Youth and women leadership, Environmental conservation and entrepreneurship development

3.            Conduct bi-annual volunteers’ capacity building in community service

4.            Organize community Volunteer Day to enhance recognition of the value of volunteering

Reports and posts in social media

# Of volunteers recruited and working

Report on capacity building

List of participants

Report on the event

1.            Deliverables and Milestones anticipated


1.            Detailed proposal demonstrating how the project will be executed including a workplan

2.            Detailed Budget

3.            Quarterly narrative and financial reports in a format to be provided(every after 3 months from the commencement of project implementation)

4.            Final report

3.            Eligibility Criteria

The NGO should:

  • Have at least 3 years of experiences in implementing projects in the thematic area selected (WASH, Climate change and livelihoods support), preferably in Africa
  • Experience working in projects and/or programmes related to housing and property rights advocacy, livelihoods support, climate change mitigation and community development is an added advantage
  • A good understanding of the housing challenges in the context of Africa
  • Ability to achieve maximum scope of reach with limited resources

1.            Proposal Evaluation

Proposals will be assessed according to:

  • Demonstrated competence of the NGO and project implementation approach proposed
  • Demonstrated track record of the NGO in delivering projects successfully
  • Cost of the proposal (HFHT has very limited resources)

Submitted proposals must include:

  • A response to the ToR demonstrating familiarity with the subject matter, proposed approach and key issues for consideration in the project implementation
  • A detailed work plan, demonstrating the feasibility of the proposal
  • Statement of qualifications of the NGO(s) as relevant to the chosen thematic area
  • Name and CV of key staff members responsible for i) overseeing the project and ii) undertaking the implementation of the project
  • Proposed budget with itemized costs, indicating the basis of calculation

Supporting documents:

  • NGO Registration Certificate
  • Registration Certificate
  • Letter from local government to indicate that the NGO is known to authorities
  • CVs of key staff
  • Audited financial statements

1.            Proposal Submission

The deadline for submission is at 5:00pm EAT on 20th January 2023. Once the selection process has been completed, HFHT will issue a contract confirming the appointment of the NGO partner. Any queries should be directed to Fortunata Temu, who can be contacted at Fortunata Temu

[1] Labour Market Profile Tanzania & Zanzibar 2021/2022

[2] The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) 2007

How to apply

1.            Application

Interested candidates are requested to submit their CV, written proposal (technical and financial) and portfolio of work done to no later than 20th January 2023 with the subject line**: PROPOSAL FOR PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ON IMPROVING LIVING AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENT THROUGH WASH AND LIVELIHOOD SUPPORT IN TANZANIA**.

Due to the urgency in filling this position, proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

HFH-Tanzania will only respond to shortlisted candidates.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 20 January 2023
Duty Station: Dar es Salaam
Posted: 11-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 11-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 11-01-2077
Apply Now
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