Consultancy job at HakiElimu
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[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Admin & Office ]

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Deadline of this Job:
25 March 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Tanzania , Dar es Salaam , East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, March 17, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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HakiElimu jobs in Tanzania

Terms of Reference
Consultancy to Conduct a Study on the Role of Civic Education in Learning for Democracy in Tanzanian Secondary Schools
Introduction to HakiElimu
HakiElimu is an independent Tanzanian Civil Society Organization founded in 2001, with a vision for open, just and democratic Tanzania, where all people enjoy the right to education that promotes equity, creativity and critical thinking. The HakiElimu 2022-2026 Strategic Plan focuses to support youth participation in democratic process through school-based action civics. At this stage, HakiElimu is focusing on strengthening the availability of evidence-based data through a study that will support the development of school-based action civics.
Background information and context
Civic education is part of the school curriculum, however some curriculum provisions and contents of teaching and learning materials are not empowering youth with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively engage in democratic process. Young people learn the way to contribute to their society through formal and informal learning experiences in schools1 . Citizenship education seeks to educate citizen who will be free to make their own judgments and hold their own convictions2 . In this line, civic education curriculum objectives must be of the kinds that empower youth, male and female, from various walks of life and faiths or political leaning, to exercise their critical faculties rather than acquiesce to the whims of the powers. 3 Unfortunately, today, schools are more concerned about the production of proficient scores on state mandated standardized tests than putting democracy into practice

In secondary schools civics is taught in English language, creating undemocratic classroom participation, since those who are proficient in English language dominate the discussion5 . In the same line, prevalence of a structure and political culture described as authoritarian and dormant, hindering youth participation in democratic process6 . So far, only limited measures are being undertaken by the authorities from local to national level and engage citizens, especially youth, in meaningful participation. As a result, many youth fail to participate in the traditional democratic processes that affects them, such as elections. Only 27% of youth reported participation in local Government meetings7 . In this situation, the appropriate civic education is required 8 for a state to be strong and maintain democracy, as well as prepare youth for the future.

The aim
Against the above background, the aim of the study is to investigate the role of civic education in learning for democracy in secondary schools. The ultimate goal is to use the findings from the study to design an innovative ‘Action Civics School Toolkit

Specific Objectives
• Explore knowledge, skills and values for democratic citizenship found in the curriculum for secondary education.
• Determine gaps for enabling teachers and students to absorb and practice the basic norms of a democratic culture in the current curriculum, policies, laws, guidelines and teachers’ preparation.
• Assess democratic practice within the governance of a school.
• Examine classroom democratisation by civic teachers.
• Identity perceptions of democratic school among teachers and students.
• Understand key practitioners’ future thoughts towards democratisation of school.

Key Responsibilities of the Consultant Based on the aim of the study and research questions, the exact methodology is to be determined by the research team. However, it is suggested to apply mixed methods taking qualitative approach as the main point of departure. The following are suggested main roles of the consultant:
• Advise HakiElimu on the technical part of a successful and credible research.
• Obtain research clearance from relevant authorities and comply to all other legal requirements
• Develop tools for data collection and orient research assistants on their usage
• Facilitate tools pre-test for data collection v. Systematic review of existing available research on civic education and democracy in Tanzania and internationally.
• Collect qualitative and quantitative data in areas of focus.
• Conduct thorough analysis of qualitative and quantitative data.
• Write a comprehensive research report as per HakiElimu guidelines.
• Participate in the validation workshop in order to obtain feedback from key stakeholders.
• Participate in the dissemination of research findings to various key stakeholders

Output and Timeline The timelines of the research work is April to June 2022. The final report should be completed by 22th June, 2022. The study will be subjected to a preliminary desk study for revision/ analysis of existing documents and visits to relevant authorities and agencies, including field trips. The consultant will be required to conduct data analysis, debriefing and discussions with stakeholders prepare draft and final reports. The expected outputs include: -
• A comprehensive report incorporating comments from HakiElimu
• PPT presentations on preliminary findings
• PPT on final research findings which will be presented during the launching of the report.
• A summary version / brief of the report (not more than 15 pages)
• The final research report is expected to include the following contents: The executive summary, aim of the study, methodology, detailed analysis with data sources where applicable, findings, conclusion and recommendations.

Supervision and Communication
The Consultant shall be supervised by the Research, Innovation and Policy Analysis Manager with a dotted line to the Head of Programmes and Executive Director.

Budget and Resources
The Consultant is expected to submit a technical and financial proposal as highlighted in the application instructions. Mode of payment of the consultancy fee is as follows:
• 30% of the total consultancy fee upon signing of the contract and after submission of the final version of agreed tools, methodology, field work plan and sampling strategy.
• 30% will be paid after submission of the first draft.
• 40% will be paid after submission of the final report and upon satisfaction from HakiElimu’s part, on the required deliverables as per this ToR and the signed contract

• Study design including data collection tools
• Final report
• Brief report / Summary of the main report
• Power Point Presentation of key findings and recommendations
• Raw Data Matrix

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
Application should be submitted to HakiElimu by 25th March 2022 through email 

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 25 March 2022
Duty Station: Dar es Salaam
Posted: 17-03-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 17-03-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-03-2065
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