Invitation For Tender for Supply of Stationery at The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS-BUGANDO)
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1. The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS-BUGANDO) has set aside funds for its operations during the Financial Year 2024/2025. It is intended that part of the funds will be used to cover eligible Payment under the contracts for which this advertisement is issued.

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Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) jobs in Tanzania

2. The Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences' Tender Committee now invites sealed Bids under National Competitive bidding and Request for Pre-Qualification under Open Frame work Agreement as follows:

1. Invitation For Tender:
a) Lot 1: Supply of Stationery
i. Stationery
ii. Cartridges and Tonner
iii. Printing Services

Lot 2: Supply of Special Faculty requirements/Medical training equipment
Lot 3: Supply of Clinical Coats, Uniforms and Scrubs
Lot 4: Provision of Cleaning Services
Lot 5: Repair, Maintenance and Services for:
i. Vehicles
ii. Air Conditions
iii. Elevator
iv. Generators
v. Printers and Photocopy Machines

Lot 6: Supply of Laboratory and Medical Supplies
Lot 7: Supply of Computer & IT Equipment (Electronics & Computing)
Lot 8: Supply Supplies for Renovation of University Buildings
i. Building Materials
ii. Plumbing supplies
iii. Electrical supplies

3. Bids & Pre-Qualification documents must be well attached, enclosed in envelopes, sealed 'Tender/Pre-Qualification for Lot ......" and clearly marked
4. Tender documents should be obtained from the Tender Committee's Secretary Office No. C309 - 3rd Floor Administration Block: from 08:30 - 16:00 hrs. Working days for a NON-REFUNDABLE One Hundred Thousand Shillings (100,000/-) only
5. Invitation for Pre-Qualification documents should be obtained from the Tender Committee's Secretary Office No. C309 - 3rd Floor Administration Block from 08:30 - 16:00 hrs. working days for a NON-REFUNDABLE Fifty Thousand Shillings (50,000/-) only
6. Payment should be made through CRDB bank account number 01/1054045501, CUHAS - BUGANDO and receipt shall be issued by Accounts Office upon payment.
7. The bank slips should be marked "Payment for Tender/ Pre-Qualification Lot No......."
8. Resident Bidders will be given more consideration
9. All tenders & Pre-Qualification documents must be addressed to the Vice Chancellor - CUHAS P.O.BOX 1464, Mwanza, not later than 18 June, 2024 at 13:00hrs.
10. Tenders and & Pre-Qualification documents will be opened on 18h June, 2024 at 13:00hrs. in the presence of bidders or their representatives at CUHAS Boardroom.
11. Tenders/ Pre-Qualification documents not received, not opened and not read out in Public at the Tender Opening Ceremony shall not be considered for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances. Telegraphic, telex, e-mail and/or portion of any tender shall not be accepted.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Tuesday, June 18 2024
Duty Station: Mwanza
Posted: 04-06-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 04-06-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 04-06-2077
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