Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant job at The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
536 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Social Services & Nonprofit ]

Jobs at:

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Deadline of this Job:
Tuesday, September 19 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Tanzania , Dodoma, East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, September 06 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) jobs in Tanzania

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of the Republic of Tanzania (GoT) have entered into a partnership agreement in order to improve the livelihoods of rural people through an intervention focused on smallholder aquaculture. Under this initiative, the Norwegian Development Agency (Norad) has made a commitment to pro¬vide a financial contribution for the project, Advancing Resilient and Nutrition-sensitive Smallholder Aquaculture (ARNSA). The project goal is to reduce poverty and improve nutrition through increased aquaculture productivity and resilience of rural small¬holder producers. The development objective is to increase incomes, build resilience and strengthen livelihoods of rural aquaculture producers.

The project aims to deliver on the following three interlinked development outcomes, backed with effective project manage¬ment, monitoring and evaluation; (i) Smallholder aquaculture productivity and resilience increased through improved technol¬ogies, inputs and farm-level innovations; (ii) Increased opportu¬nities for youth and women through market Innovations, value creation, and food waste/loss reduction; (iii) Knowledge and poli¬cy developed for sustainable and equitable aquaculture industry. The grant will support production and post-harvest innovations, generate knowledge and strengthen aquaculture extension, and enhance access to inputs, markets, technologies and re¬duce post-harvest losses

The Norad grant-funded activities complement investments by IFAD and GoT to address the development constraints for smallholder aquaculture through the Agriculture and Fisheries Development Programme (AFDP). A total of 1,000 households, representing 5,000 people, will directly benefit from the grant, of which at least 50 percent of direct beneficiaries will be wom¬en and 40 percent are youth. The targeted geographical area are the southern regions of Lindi and Ruvuma. The NORAD grant will be managed under the AFDP, with the Prime Min¬ister’s Office (PMO) as the Lead Implementing Agency. AF- DP’s Programme Coordination Unit (PCU) will provide overall leadership and will be responsible for overseeing the planning, coordination and implementation of the grant’s activities, mon¬itor progress and results and ensure linkages with government services and other service providers. The PCU is expected to report to IFAD on the implementation progress of the grant and achievements against the results framework at least biannually.
The Prime Minister’s Office wishes to recruit suitable candi¬dates for the following positions in the project supported with the financial contribution from Norad.

M&E assistant
Working under the supervision and guidance of the Monitoring & Evalu¬ation (M&E) Officer, the M&E Assistant will be based at the Project Co¬ordination Office in Dodoma, with expected frequent field travel to the project sites. The M&E Assistant will work closely with all program staff to implement the M&E commitments, improve program quality through enhanced data management systems and processes. The Assistant will support the M&E officer in managing day to day M&E tasks and provid¬ing technical support to field teams to ensure effective implementation of the project. This includes support for planning, designing, and imple¬mentation of M&E activities across the project; tracking project activity achievements, M&E targets and indicators; recording challenges en¬countered and mitigation pathways to ensure the quality and effective¬ness of project implementation. The M&E Assistant will be engaged on a one year contract with the possibility of extension, based on satisfac-tory performance and continued availability of funds.

M&E assistant will report to M&E Officer. The main responsibilities of this position will be:
• Assist M&E Officer to oversee the development of a strategy and plans to ensure systematic, continuous learning, improvement and knowledge sharing;
• Assist M&E Officer in the development of the overall framework for an M&E System to measure and/or assess progress in terms of inputs, outputs, outcomes and impact, taking into account the Programme Logframe, Theory of Change and broader Pro¬gramme management requirements, as well as Government AS- DPII monitoring requirements and IFAD RIMS indicators;
• Assist in routine data collection and entry for various project inter¬ventions implemented in the field and ensure that complete, accu¬rate, clean, and consistent data is shared with the M&E Officer for data analysis and action planning.
• Ensure proper filing and storage of M&E documents including questionnaires, monitoring reports, datasets, among others.
• Participate in regular data verification and audit exercises to as¬sess the quality of data reported and address any anomalies iden¬tified.
• Submit to the M&E Officer weekly and monthly updates on M&E activities conducted in the field.
• With support from the M&E Officer, conduct capacity building and mentorship to field staff in M&E.
• Assist M&E Officer in Monitor financial and physical progress; col¬late essential data to be included in quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports; and report back to the PCU, other key programme stakeholders and GOT/IFAD;
• Review and update regularly the Programme Logframe;
• Define participatory methodologies and tools for assessing pro¬gramme performance and outcomes involving stakeholders;
• Assist M&E to implement baseline and impact assessment stud¬ies;
• Assist M&E Officer in in facilitation of the programme’s annual review workshops, Mid Term Review and completion review;
• Development of annual work plans and budgets and support dis¬trict-level planning and budgeting processes;
• Ensure that innovative experiences, learning and good practices are captured, synthesized, documented and shared continuously within the Programme, and with in-country partners/service pro¬viders, IFAD and other regional and international partners;
• Ensure collection and analysis of sex and youth disaggregated data, so as to track the implementation of gender strategy activi¬ties and monitor the achievement of its targets;
• coordinating data collection and reporting with district facilitation teams and M&E officers in the LGAs and implementing institu¬tions;
• coordinating capacity development activities on M&E tools and systems such as GoT ARDS and other relevant M&E tools for PCU team, Government counterparts in the line ministries, M&E staff in the implementing institutions, District Facilitation Teams and other programme stakeholders;
• Village and/or Ward Agricultural extension officers will collect and submit monthly, quarterly and annual reports to their district ag¬riculture and fisheries development officers including compiling formal reports on grievance redress;
• Any other duty (related to the Programme’s activities) as may be assigned by the Programme Coordinator.

Academic qualifications, experience, skills, and attitudes:
1. BSc in Aquaculture Economics/Economic/Monitoring and Eval¬uation or closely related field;
2. Master’s Degree in Economics/Economics/Monitoring and Evaluation or any related field is an added advantage;
3. At least three years of experience of relevant and progressive experience at community, national or international level in man¬aging projects;
4. Willingness to live and travel to rural areas;
5. Strong organizational skills, must have problem solving and de¬cision making, negotiations and team management;
6. Excellent communication skills, strong initiative and good judg¬ment;
7. Strong organizational, attention to detail, timeliness, and work ethic.
8. Team player, able to work respectfully and cooperatively with staff of different national and cultural backgrounds

Other Requirements:
1. Demonstrated capacity to develop Aquaculture/Fisheries plans, execute and prescribe solutions to resource man¬agement problems, manage budgets and programs, as well as prepare reports;
2. Experience in training, capacity building, knowledge of PRA techniques
3. Excellent skills in written and spoken English and good computer skills, knowledge of local languages such as Swahili will be an added advantage;
4. High level of computer proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite
5. Creative, innovative system thinker, with the ability to cat¬alyze change.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
The position is for an initial fixed-term contract of 1 year with an¬nual renewal subject to performance.
Qualified candidates should submit their application, including a letter of interest, complete curriculum Vitae and copies of Certified Academic Qualification to:
Permanent Secretary
Prime Minister’s Office,
Policy, Parliament and Coordination
Po. Box 980- Dodoma
To reach on or before Thursday, 19th September, 2023 at 15:30 hours local time

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Job Info
Job Category: Data, Monitoring, and Research jobs in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Tuesday, September 19 2023
Duty Station: Dodoma
Posted: 06-09-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 06-09-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 06-09-2077
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