Terms of Reference (TOR) at Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
71 Days Ago
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Terms of Reference (TOR)

In-depth Market Systems Analysis on Solid Waste Management-

The Vitalizing Opportunities in Circular Economy and Sustainable Solutions in Lake Tanganyika (VOICES) Project-Kigoma

1. Introduction
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and its country-based partners Caritas Kigoma in Tanzania and Caritas Kasama in Zambia will implement the Vitalizing Opportunities in Circular Economy and Sustainable Solutions in Lake Tanganyika (VOICES) project to improve water quality in the basin of Lake Tanganyika through sustainable and inclusive economic practices (recycle, reuse, recovery). VOICES will support communities in Kigoma Region in Tanzania and in Mpulungu Region in Zambia to increase knowledge of the potential benefits of the circular economy among policymakers, businesses, consumers, and civil society. VOICES will reflect the diversity of the population with activities specific to each stakeholder, and by validating inclusive CE models in different local conditions. Through the Circular Economy Challenge Fund (CECF), VOICES will identify promising CE businesses, provide co-investment funds and critical technical assistance to help launch these businesses, and link them to formal Financial Service Providers for further scaling of the successful businesses. These CE businesses will reduce waste, and expand livelihoods and entrepreneurship opportunities for young people, women and diverse community members, and improve the health of communities who live along the shores of Lake Tanganyika.

CRS will target the most successful of these businesses for expansion and replication in new areas to ensure scalability. CRS will prioritize waste reduction strategies and activities. Through an inclusive MSD approach, young people, adolescent girls and young women, women and men will have equitable opportunities to participate in CE businesses that are responsive to community needs and are tailored to regional and local job opportunities. VOICES will increase awareness of innovative approaches to community reduction of waste, improve the enabling environment for municipal waste management, increase education on CE practices and manage an innovative market systems development approach to invest in and test sustainable, scalable, profitable CE businesses that create local jobs and empower young people and women. VOICES will support the objectives of the TAKIWAMA project of advancing pollution control through integrated wastewater, solid waste and watershed protection by employing CE and building upon successes from other projects in the area. CRS will collaborate with ongoing projects in Tanzania and Zambia and advance cross-border knowledge sharing among countries that border the lake. Through VOICES, CRS will develop transparent, participatory mechanisms in design and implementation of activities to build trust among local stakeholders and optimize collaboration among other ongoing development initiatives in the lake basin.

Scope of the Assignment

a. Purpose and Objectives

The main objective of this consultancy is to conduct an in-depth analysis of waste market systems, including waste disposal mechanisms, the regulatory and enabling environment, waste types, and their economic value, while mapping waste hotspots and sources in the Lake Tanganyika area. The consultancy will undertake a stakeholder mapping to identify key local and national actors (private sector, government and civil society) their inter-relationships and incentives/motivations. The consultancy will also identify opportunities for developing circular economy businesses, policy frameworks at local council levels regarding waste management and circular economy and provide recommendations on strategies for sustainable waste management and pollution mitigation. The specific objectives of the assignment are:

identify and map market actors, determine roles and network associations between key actors that could support/drive interventions in waste management and increase circular economy awareness
Identify constraints and market failures in the waste management system
(ii) Identify potential circular economy business opportunities and constraints Role of the consultant
The consultant will undertake the following tasks.

i. Waste Market System Mapping and Analysis

Assess current waste generation and disposal systems, including formal and informal waste management practices.
Review and analyze the existing national and local policy, legal frameworks, plans, systems and infrastructure of solid waste management and recycling/recovery including a performance analysis of existing landfills and compost plants in respective LGAs.
Identify the types, volumes, and flows of waste, with focus on high impact waste types such as plastics, organic, metal, agricultural, paper and electronic materials.
Analyze the economic value of waste in the system and the potential of different waste streams (e.g. recycling, recovery, upcycling and composting).
Identify and map key stakeholders and their relationships in the waste management market system, including waste collectors, aggregators, transporters, dump managers, bulk buyers, processors, recyclers retailers, advocacy groups, incubators/accelerators, financial institutions, government regulators.

ii. Hotspot Identification

Map waste hotspots in the 3 districts (Kigoma Municipal Council, Kigoma district Council and Uvinza district council) using geospatial tools and stakeholder inputs, with a focus on sources of pollution affecting the lake.
Identify major sources of waste (e.g. households, businesses, industrial sites) and assess their contribution to pollution in Lake Tanganyika.

iii. Circular Economy Business Opportunities
Assess opportunities for circular economy businesses (e.g. recycling facilities, composting enterprises, plastic repurposing ventures, Black Soldier Fly farming, biofuels production etc.) informed by system analysis.
Identify market gaps and opportunities for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the waste management sector.
Highlight examples of successful circular economy models applicable to the local context.
Identify potential barriers and possible solution for different targeted groups to participate effectively in CE practices including youth and women,

iv. Mitigation Strategies and Recommendation
Propose practical, market-based solutions to improve waste management systems.
Recommend circular economy approaches that can be adopted by local businesses, SILC groups and communities.
Provide strategies for fostering partnerships between stakeholders to support a sustainable waste economy.

c. Location and Targeted groups
The assignment will be conducted in Tanzania (Kigoma MC, Kigoma DC, and Uvinza DC) and Zambia (Mpulungu town). This assessment will rely principally on mixed methods of qualitative and quantitative approaches and a desk review of quantitative secondary data. This “mixed methods” design should generate all the evidence needed to respond to the objectives highlighted above.

The successful consultant/team will be responsible for developing a detailed methodology and workplan to ensure assignment objectives are met. The consultant/team will be expected to map assignment objectives, develop key questions, and targeted primary data collection respondents against the tools they develop.

3. Methodology

The preferred methods of data collection will include both qualitative and quantitative data collection, including desk review, waste composition and weight measurements, key actors mapping and value chain analysis, direct observations and semi structured interviews with appropriate key informant within the informal sector as with the formal. Consultant should propose method to be used to address the stated objective above with explanation what kind of information will be collected by the proposed method. The proposed method should factor in the inclusion of different targeted groups including but not limited to waste pickers, aggregators, bulk-buyers, transporters, processors, landfill/compost in different solid waste stream such as plastic, organic, metal, paper, wood etc.

Main tasks of Consultancy
This assignment is expected to complete the following tasks:

Conduct desk‐review of relevant literature including previous studies, sector analyses, strategic plans, policy documents, relevant project reports, water quality data/reports, etc.
Develop research plan broken down by detailed activity and milestones, detailing the
agreed upon assessment design, methodology, and data collection tools.

Facilitate the recruitment and training of data collectors.
Solicit ethical approval and permission from respective authorities.
Data processing, translation and transcribing and report writing.
Presentation of the findings to key stakeholders to facilitate findings validations and adoption of key recommendation.

d. Deliverables
The consultant is expected to deliver the following.

The key deliverables of the assignment include.

Inception Report, which includes:
Study Design with a detailed mapping/interview/data collection plan and timeline
All required data collection and interview tools (English language)
Data Analysis Plan
Quality assurance plan
Research ethical approval and permission from respective authorities in Zambia and Tanzania
Research dataset syntax file (or Stata do file – preferred), cleaned data set and process followed during data verification and cleaning.
All qualitative data, tabulated/analyzed, and translated into English
Draft market analysis presentation/report as per CRS template, inclusive of detailed findings
Final Report and summary PowerPoint presentation (incorporating all feedback)

Duration of the Assignment
The consultancy is expected to last for a period of 45 days from the date of signing of the contract. Consultant Qualifications

Prior experience conducting similar activities are encouraged to apply for this opportunity. In each case, the applicant should possess at least a master’s degree in environmental science, Statistics, Research Studies or a related field.
A proven experience in conducting waste management assessments and circular economy strategies deployment.
Expertise in qualitative and quantitative study designing and analytical approaches
Expertise in market systems/value chain analysis and formative inquiry assessment approaches
Familiarity with the local context of Kigoma region in Tanzania, Mpulungu district in Zambia and the Lake Tanganyika area.
Excellent analytical, reporting and presentation skills.
Examples of previous studies and baseline reports of Circular Economy focusing on waste management.
Application Process
Interested consultants are requested to submit the following.

Technical proposal
Qualifications and experience of the consultant or team
Methodology and work plan
Examples of similar work completed.
Financial Proposal
Detailed budget breakdown in TZS
Proof of business licenses and EFD receipt

Submission of Proposals
The proposal to be sent to the e‐mailed to reach the undersigned 14 days after the advert is shared out to:

Catholic Relief Services – Tanzania Program

E-mail; tz_quotations@crs.org

Note: Please indicate “In-depth Analysis for the Vitalizing Opportunities in Circular Economy and Sustainable Solutions in Lake Tanganyika (VOICES) project.”

Bid written in English addressed to the attention of the CRS / Tanzania Program Country Manager must be submitted to the above e-mail address on or before 06th December 2024 at 5:00 P.M

Award of Consultancy
CRS will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. CRS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest, the highest or any bidder. Only the successful applicant will be contacted. CRS does not charge any fees from applicants for any recruitment. Further, CRS has not retained any agent regarding this assignment

You are advised that this RFP does not constitute in any way a commitment on the part of CRS/Tanzania or its agents, for any service requested

RFQ/Tender Information and Attachments
For comprehensive information regarding this RFQ/tender, we invite you to download the attachments provided below. These documents contain all the necessary details, including specifications, requirements, and submission guidelines. Please review them carefully to ensure you have all the pertinent information needed to participate.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Tanzania
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, December 06 2024
Duty Station: Dar es Salaam
Posted: 25-11-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 25-11-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 25-11-2077
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